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Department of Communication and Media Research

Student Advisory Service

Do you have questions about our study programs in communication and media research?

Are you interested in studying communication science and would like more detailed information? Are you already enrolled and have questions about our programs? Do you need assistance in planning your studies?

Describe your concerns using the contact form or make an appointment for a consultation - on-site, online or by phone. Consultations are regularly offered on Mondays and Tuesdays.

To the contact form
Phone (available Mo and Tue):     +41 44 635 21 12


The following contact persons will be happy to provide you with further information about your studies:

For questions and problems concerning... ...please contact
General study administration (e.g. admission and enrollment, technical problems with module booking, graduation) Student Services Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
Study abroad Mobility Advisor Coralie Pluimgraaff,
Doctorate PhD Coordinator Doreen Spörer-Wagner, doreen.spoerer-wagner[at]
Questions around the study from a students' perspective Student Association Communication,


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