Publications by Dietrich Lehmann
(update 23 Juni 2008)
(Papers; abstracts are listed only if no paper has been published on the material)
(The missing numbers concern secondary papers or abstracts)

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08-03 Gianotti, L.R.R., Faber, P.L., Schuler, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K. and  Lehmann, D. First valence, then Arousal: The temporal dynamics of brain electric activity evoked by emotional stimuli. Brain Topogr. 20(3):143-156 (2008).

08-02 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Bedingte Grenzen des Denkens. In: D. Schoeller & M. Michel (eds.) Grenzen des Denkens. [ISBN 978-3-86068-323-1]. Weimar, Germany: Bauhaus Universität, pp. 185-193.

08-01 Gianotti, L., Kuenig, G., Faber, P., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R., Kochi, K., and Schreiter-Gasser, U. Rivastigmine effects on EEG spectra and three-dimensional LORETA functional imaging in Alzheimer’s disease.
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 198(3): 323-332 (2008 ).

07-06 Katayama, H., Gianotti L.R.R., Isotani, T., Faber, P.L., Sasada, K., Kinoshita, T. and Lehmann, D. Classes of multichannel EEG microstates in light and deep hypnotic conditions. Brain Topography 20(1):7-14 (2007).

07-05 Lehmann, T.N.O., Aebi, A., Lehmann, D., Balandraux Olivet, M. and Stalder, H. Missed appointments at a Swiss university outpatient clinic. Public Health 121(10):790-799 (2007).

07-04 Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M. Plasticità cerebrale dipendente dall'esperienza, ricordo stato-dipendente e creazione della soggettività delle funzioni mentali. In: M. Mancia (ed.): Psicoanalisi e Neuroscienze. [ISBN: 978-88-470-0658-4]. Milano: Springer, pp. 231-245 (2007).

07-03 Gianotti, L.R.R., Faber, P.L., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K. and  Lehmann, D. Processing of positive versus negative emotional words is incorporated in anterior versus posterior brain areas: an ERP microstate LORETA study. Chaos and Complexity Letters 2(2/3): 189-211 (2007). 

07-02 Lehmann, D. Kartographie des Geistes. Polykum (ETH Zurich) Nr. 8/06-07 [15 Juni 2007]: 12-13 (2007).

07-01 Gianotti, L.R.R., Künig, G., Lehmann, D. Faber, P.L., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K. and Schreiter-Gasser, U.
Correlation between disease severity and brain electric LORETA tomography in Alzheimer's disease.
Clin. Neurophysiol. 118(1): 186-196 (2007).    

06-06 Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M. The brain’s experience-dependent plasticity and state-dependent recall and the creation of subjectivity of mental functions. In: M. Mancia (ed.): Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience. ISBN: 88-470-0334-2. Milano: Springer, pp. 219-232 (2006).

06-05 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Η συναπτικη πλαστικοτητα του ανθρωπινου εγκεφαλου ως κλειδι για την κατανοηση των σωφρονων και των εσφαλμενων αποφασεων. Συναψις 03: 38-55 (2006).

06-04             Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Experience-dependent brain plasticity: A key concept for studying non-conscious decisions. [The 6th Delphi International Psychoanalytic Symposium, Delphi, 27-31 October 2004: E. Zacharacopoulou (ed.) "Psychoanalysis and the human body: Beyond the mind-body dualism"]. Int. Congr. Series (ICS) 1286: 45-52 (2006).

06-03 Pascual-Montano, A., Carazo, J.M., Kochi, K., Lehmann, D. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Non-smooth non-negative matrix factorization (nsNMF). IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE T. Pattern Anal.) 28(3): 403-415 (2006). 

06-02 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Entstehung und Behandlung psychischer Störungen aus der Sicht integrativer Hirn-Funktions-Modelle. In: H. Böker (ed.) Psychoanalyse und Psychiatrie. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 373-389 (2006).

06-01 Lehmann, D., Faber, P.L., Gianotti, L.L.R., Kochi, K. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Coherence and phase locking in the scalp EEG and between LORETA model sources, and microstates as putative mechanisms of brain temporo-spatial functional organization. J Physiol (Paris) 99: 29–36 (2006). 

05-06 Hebert, R. Lehmann, D., Tanc, G., Travis, F. and Arenander, A. Enhanced EEG alpha time-domain phase synchrony during Transcendental Meditation: Implications for cortical integration theory. Signal Processing 85: 2213-2232 (2005).

05-03 Müller, T.J., Koenig, T., Wackermann, J., Kalus, P., Fallgatter, A., Strik, W. and Lehmann, D. Subsecond changes of global brain state in illusionary multistable motion perception. J. Neural Transm. 112: 565-576 (2005).

05-02 Lehmann, D., Faber, P.L., Galderisi, S., Herrmann, W.M., Kinoshita, T., Koukkou, M., Mucci, A., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Saito, N., Wackermann, J., Winterer, G. and Koenig, T. EEG microstate duration and syntax in acute, medication-naïve, first-episode schizophrenia: a multi-center study. Psychiatry Res.: Neuroimaging 138: 141-156 (2005).

05-01 Vaitl, D., Birbaumer, N., Gruzelier, J., Jamieson, G., Kotchoubey, B., Kübler, A., Lehmann, D., Miltner, W.H.R., Ott, U., Pütz, P., Sammer, G., Strauch, I., Strehl, U., Wackermann, J. and Weiss, T. (ASC Consortium) Psychobiology of Altered States of Consciousness. Psychol. Bull. 131(1): 98–127 (2005).

04-08 Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Esslen, M., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Functional imaging with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA): an update. In: Essentials and Applications of EEG Research in Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology. W.H.I.M. Drinkenburg, G.S.F. Ruigt and M. Joberts (eds.). ISBN 3-938212-00-4. Berlin: IPEG unipublish Verlag für Studium & Praxis OHG, chapter 10, pp. 149-164 (2004).

04-07 Lehmann, D. Brain electric microstates as building blocks of mental activity. In: A.M. Oliveira, M.P. Teixeira, G.F. Borges and M.J. Ferro (eds.): Fechner Day 2004. Coimbra: International Society for Psychophysics, pp. 140-145 (2004).

04-06 Lehmann, D. Zustandsabhängige Hirnarbeit in Makro- und Mikrozuständen während Wachheit und Traum. In: P. Giampieri-Deutsch (ed.): Psychoanalyse im Dialog der Wissenschaften, Bd. 2. Anglo-Amerikanische Perspektiven [ISBN 3-17-017424-X]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 229-247 (2004).  

04-05 Esslen, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Hell, D., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Brain areas and time course of emotional processing. NeuroImage 21(4):1189-1203 (2004).

04-04 Lehmann, D., Koenig, T., Henggeler, B., Strik, W., Kochi, K., Koukkou, M. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Brain areas activated during electric microstates of mental imagery versus abstract thinking. (abstract) Klinische Neurophysiologie 35: 169 (2004).

04-03 Tsuno, N., Shigeta, M., Hyoki, K., Faber, P.L. and Lehmann, D. Fluctuations of source locations of EEG activity during transition from alertness to sleep in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Neuropsychobiol. 50(3): 267-272 (2004).

04-02 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Was hat die erfahrungsabhängige Neuroplastizität mit der psychosozialen Entwicklung des Kindes zu tun? undKinder (ISSN 1420-0163) 23(73): 55-67 (July, 2004). 

04-01 Gamma, A., Lehmann, D., Frei, E., Iwata, K., Pascual-Marqui, R.D. and Vollenweider, F.X. Comparison of simultanously recorded [H215O]-Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) during cognitive and pharmacological activation. Human Brain Mapping 22: 83–96 (2004).          

03-04 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Human brain synaptic plasticity as key for understanding wise and erroneous decisions. In: D.V. Razis (ed): The Human Predicament II. Athens, Greece: S&P Advertising, pp. 103-135  (2003).

03-03 Strelets V., Faber P.L., Golikova J., Novototsky-Vlasov V., Koenig T., Gianotti L.R.R., Gruzelier J.H. and Lehmann, D. Chronic schizophrenics with positive symptomatology have shortened EEG microstate durations. Clin. Neurophysiol. 14(11): 2043-2051 (2003). 

03-02 Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M. All brain work - including recall - is state-dependent. In: E. F. Pace-Schott, M. Solms, M. Blagrove and S. Harnad (eds.): Sleep and Dreaming: Scientific Advances and Reconsiderations. [ISBN 0-521-81044-2 & 0-521-00869-7]. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 176-177 (2003).

03-01 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Verkehrte Hirnmodelle und die Hirnmechanismen der Fehlleistung. In: B. Boothe and W. Marx (eds.) Panne – Irrtum – Missgeschick. Die Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens in interdisziplinärer Sicht. [ISBN 3-456-83878-6]. Bern: Huber, pp. 37-51 (2003).

02-14 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Gehirn - Gedächtnis – Kreativität. In: G. Reising (ed.): Ein träumendes Bewusstsein [ISBN 3-925212-52-3]. Karlsruhe: Staatliche Kunsthalle. pp. 220-231 & [references] 248-255 (2002).

02-13 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Memory, adaptive orienting and psychosomatics: a brain model. In: T. Sivik, D. Byrne, D.R. Lipsitt, G.N. Christodoulou and H. Dienstfrey (eds.): Psycho- Neuro- Endocrino- Immunology (PNEI). A common language for the whole human body. [Int. Congr. Series ICS 1241C]. Amsterdam, Elsevier [ISBN 0‑444‑50989‑5], pp. 305-311 (2002). 

02-12 Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Esslen, M., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Functional imaging with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA): A review. Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 24 (Suppl. C): 91-95 (2002).

02-11 Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Esslen, M., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Functional imaging with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA): review, new comparisons, and new validation. Jpn. J. Clin. Neurophysiol. 30: 81-94 (2002).

02-10 Isotani, T., Kinoshita. T., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D. and Wackermann, J. Spatial configuration of brain electric activity during positive, neutral and negative emotions. Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 24 (Suppl. D): 109-110 (2002).

02-09 Gianotti, L.R.R, Faber, P.L. and Lehmann, D. EEG source locations after guessed random events in believers and skeptics of paranormal phenomena. In: K. Hirata, Y. Koga, K. Nagata, K. Yamazaki (eds.): Recent Advances in Human Brain Mapping [International Congress Series 1232C]. Amsterdam, Elsevier [0-444-50755-8], pp. 439-441 (2002).

02-08 Tanaka, H., Lehmann, D. and  Hirata, K. Microstate analysis of information processing in a reading task with Kanji and Katakana. In: K. Hirata, Y. Koga, K. Nagata, K. Yamazaki (eds.): Recent Advances in Human Brain Mapping [International Congress Series 1232C; ISSN 0531-5131]. Amsterdam, Elsevier [0-444-50755-8], pp. 397-401 (2002).

02-07 Isotani, T., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Fukushima, M., Saito, N., Yagyu, T. and Kinoshita. T. Source localization of brain electric activity during positive, neutral and negative emotional states. In: K. Hirata, Y. Koga, K. Nagata, K. Yamazaki (eds.): Recent Advances in Human Brain Mapping [International Congress Series 1232C]. Amsterdam, Elsevier [0-444-50755-8], pp. 165-173 (2002).

02-06 Wackermann, J., Pütz, P., Büchi, S., Strauch, I. and Lehmann, D. Brain electrical activity and subjective experience during altered states of consciousness: Ganzfeld and hypnagogic states. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 46(2): 122-145 (2002).

02-05 Pizzagalli, D.A., Lehmann, D., Hendrick, A.M., Regard, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D. and Davidson, R.J. Affective judgments of faces modulate early activity (~160 ms) within the fusiform gyri. NeuroImage 16: 663-677 (2002).

02-04 Lehmann, D. Das Mentale und die funktionellen Zustände des Gehirns: zu den Atomen des Denkens. In: P. Giampieri-Deutsch (ed.) Psychoanalyse im Dialog der Wissenschaften, Bd. 1. Europäische Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 123-142 (2002).

02-03 Koenig, T., Prichep, L.S., Lehmann, D., Valdes-Sosa, P., Braeker, E., Kleinlogel, H., Isenhart, R. and John, E.R. Millisecond by millisecond, year by year: normative EEG microstates and developmental stages. NeuroImage 16: 41-48 (2002).

02-02 Gamma, A., Lehmann, D., Frei, E., Pascual-Marqui, R.D. and Vollenweider, F.X. The relationship between co-recorded [H215O]-PET and EEG functional tomography (LORETA) before and during pharmacological activation. In: K. Hirata, Y. Koga, K. Nagata, K. Yamazaki (eds.): Recent Advances in Human Brain Mapping [International Congress Series 1232C]. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 0-444-50755-8, pp. 247-251 (2002).

02-01 Tsuno, N., Shigeta, M., Hyoki, K., Kinoshita, T., Ushijima, S., Faber, P.L. and Lehmann, D. Spatial organization of EEG activity from alertness to sleep stage 2 in old and younger subjects. J. Sleep Res. 11: 43-51 (2002).

01-11 Lehmann, D., Kondakor, I., Koenig, T., Frei, E., Kochi, K. and Witt, S. EEG beta-2 band intracerebral source locations during positive and negative emotions elicited by music reading and playing. (abstract) Brain Topography 13: 323 (2001).

01-10 Isotani,T., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K., Wackermann, J., Saito, N., Yagyu, T., Kinoshita, T. and Sasada, K. EEG source localization and global dimensional complexity in high- and low-hypnotizable subjects: a pilot study. Neuropsychobiol. 44(4): 192-198 (2001).

01-09 Lehmann, D. Brain electric microstates, the atoms of conscious thought and emotion. In: Behind and beyond the Brain. Proc. 3rd Symposium of the Bial Foundation [Porto, Portugal], pp. 287-301 (2001).

01-08 Lehmann, D., Faber, P.L., Achermann, P., Jeanmonod, D., Gianotti, L.R.R. and Pizzagalli, D. Brain sources of EEG gamma frequency during volitionally meditation-induced, altered states of consciousness, and experience of the self. Psychiatry Res.: Neuroimaging 108: 111-121 (2001).

01-07 Gianotti, L., Mohr, C., Pizzagalli, D., Lehmann, D. and Brugger, P. Associative processing and paranormal belief. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 55: 595-603 (2001).

01-06 Lehmann, D., Faber, P.L., Isotani, T. and Wohlgemuth, P. Source locations of EEG frequency bands during hypnotic arm levitation: a pilot study. Contemporary Hypnosis 18: 120-127 (2001). Erratum in: Contemporary Hypnosis 18: 220 (2001).

01-05 Frei, E., Gamma, A., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Lehmann, D., Hell, D. and Vollenweider, F.X. Localization of MDMA-induced brain activity in healthy volunteers using low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Human Brain Mapping 14: 152-165 (2001).

01-04 Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Koukkou, M., Lehmann, D. and Kochi, K. Functional localization and functional connectivity with LORETA: comparison of normal controls and first-episode, drug-naïve schizophrenics. [Technical Note] J. Neurotherapy 4(4): 35-37 (2001).

01-03 Koenig, T., Lehmann, D., Saito, N., Kuginuki, T., Kinoshita, T. and Koukkou, M. Decreased functional connectivity of EEG theta frequency activity in first-episode, neuroleptic-naïve patients with schizophrenia: preliminary results. Schizophr. Res. 50: 55-60 (2001).

01-02 Isotani, T., Tanaka, H., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K., Saito, N., Yagyu, T., Kinoshita, T. and Sasada, K. Source localization of EEG activity during hypnotically induced anxiety and relaxation. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 41: 143-153 (2001).  

01-01 Pizzagalli, D., Lehmann, D. and Brugger, P. Lateralized direct and indirect semantic priming effects in subjects with paranormal experiences and beliefs. Psychopathology 34: 75-80 (2001).

00-13 Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M. All brain work - including recall - is state-dependent. Behav. Brain Sci. (commentary) 23(6): 964-965 (2000).

00-12 Pizzagalli, D., Lehmann, D., Gianotti, L., Koenig, T., Tanaka, H., Wackermann, J. and Brugger, P. Brain electric correlates of strong belief in paranormal phenomena: intracerebral EEG source and regional Omega complexity analyses. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging 100: 139-154  (2000).

00-11 Koukkou, M. und Lehmann, D. Traum und Hirnforschung. In: B. Boothe (ed.) Der Traum - 100 Jahre nach Freuds Traumdeutung. vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH, Zürich (2000), pp. 227-249.

00-10 Wackermann, J., Pütz, P., Büchi, S., Strauch, I. and Lehmann, D. A comparison of Ganzfeld and hypnagogic state in terms of electrophysiological measures and subjective experiences. Proceedings of the 43rd PA Convention in Freiburg i.Br., Germany, (2000), pp. 302-315.

00-09 Faber, P.L., Lehmann, D., Achermann, P., Jeanmonod, D. and Gianotti, L.R.R. Brain sources of EEG gamma frequency differ between various meditation-induced, altered states of consciousness. Proceedings of the 43rd PA Convention in Freiburg i.Br., Germany, (2000), pp. 390-391.    

00-08 Lehmann, D. Der Traum, die Natur der Welt und das Bewusstsein - und alles im Hirn? in: H. Schönthal (ed.): Die Zeit vergeht - was bleibt? Shaker, Aachen, (2000), pp. 55-63.

00-07 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Träumen, Denken - Traumdenken. UniMagazin (Magazin der Universität Zürich) Nr. 1/2000 (April), pp. 32-36.  

00-06 Pizzagalli, D., Lehmann, D., Koenig, T., Regard, M. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Face-elicited ERPs and affective attitude: brain electric microstate and tomography analyses. Clin. Neurophysiol. 111: 521-531 (2000). 

00-05 Koukkou, M., Federspiel, A., Bräker, E., Hug, C., Kleinlogel, H., Merlo, M.C.G. and Lehmann, D. An EEG approach to the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia studying schizophrenics, normal controls and adolescents. J. Psychiatric Res. 34: 57-73 (2000).

00-04 Tanaka, H., Koenig, T., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Hirata, K., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Event-related potential and EEG measures in Parkinson's disease without and with dementia. Dementia Geriat. Cogn. Disorder 11(1): 39-45 (2000).    

00-03 Ozaki, H. and Lehmann, D. EEG reconsidered: from neuroelectric signals to human conscious experience. Rinsho Shinkei Seirigaku (Jpn. J. Clin. Neuropysiol.) 28: 15-17 (2000).

00-02 Gamma, A., Frei, E., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Hell, D. and Vollenweider, F.X. Mood state and brain electric activity in Ecstasy users. NeuroReport 11: 157-162 (2000).

00-01 Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M. Hirnmechanismen der Traumprozesse. In: B. Boothe und B. Maier (eds.) Der Traum - Phänomen, Prozess, Funktion. vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH Zürich, Zürich (2000), pp. 47-68.

99-09 Lehmann, D. Wie "fühlt" das Gehirn? UniJournal - Zeitung der Universität Zürich, Nr. 3/99 (May), p. 8 (1999).

99-08 Kondakor, I., Michel, C.M., Wackermann, J., Koenig, T., Tanaka, H., Peuvot, J. and Lehmann, D. Single-dose Piracetam effects on global complexity measures of human spontaneous multichannel EEG. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 34: 81-87 (1999).

99-07 Lehmann, D., Koenig, T. and Pizzagalli, D. Gedanken und Emotionen im elektrischen Feld des Hirns. In: W. Machleidt, H. Haltenhof and P. Garlipp (eds.): Schizophrenie - eine affektive Erkrankung? Schattauer, Stuttgart (1999), pp. 31-43.

99-06 Pizzagalli, D., Regard, M. and Lehmann, D. Rapid emotional face processing in the human right and left brain hemispheres. NeuroReport 10: 2691-2698 (1999). 

99-05 Nuwer, M.R., Lehmann, D., Lopes da Silva, F., Matsuoka, S., Sutherling, W. and Vibert J.F. IFCN guidelines for topographic and frequency analysis of EEGs and EPs. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. Suppl. 52: 15-20 (1999).

99-04 Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Lehmann, D., Koenig, T., Kochi, K., Merlo, M.C.G., Hell, D. and Koukkou, M. Low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) functional imaging in acute, neuroleptic-naive, first‑episode, productive schizophrenics. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging 90: 169-179 (1999).

99-03 Koenig, T., Lehmann, D., Merlo, M.C.G., Kochi, K., Hell, D. and Koukkou, M. A deviant EEG brain microstate in acute, neuroleptic-naive schizophrenics at rest. Europ. Arch. Psychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 249: 205-211 (1999).      

99-02 Pizzagalli, D., Koenig, T., Regard, M. and Lehmann, D. Affective attitudes to face images associated with intracerebral EEG source location before face viewing. Cogn. Brain Res. 7: 371-377 (1999).

99-01 Brandeis, D. and Lehmann, D. Functional brain mapping with cognitive evoked potentials. Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. Neurochir. Psychiatr. 149: 273-279 (1999).

98-09 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Die Pathogenese der Neurose und der Wirkungsweg der psychoanalytischen Behandlung aus der Sicht des "Zustands-Wechsel-Modells" der Hirnfunktionen. In: M. Leuzinger-Bohleber, W. Mertens und M. Koukkou (eds.): Erinnerung von Wirklichkeiten: Psychoanalyse und Neurowissenschaften im Dialog, Vol. 2: Folgerungen für die psychoanalytische Praxis [ISBN 3-608-91955-4]. Cotta / Verlag Internat. Psychoanalyse (VIP), Stuttgart (1998), pp. 162-195.

98-08 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Ein systemtheoretisch orientiertes Modell der Funktionen des menschlichen Gehirns, und die Ontogenese des Verhaltens: eine Synthese von Theorien und Daten. In: M. Koukkou, M. Leuzinger-Bohleber und W. Mertens (eds.): Erinnerung von Wirklichkeiten: Psychoanalyse und Neurowissenschaften im Dialog, Vol. 1: Bestandsaufnahme [ISBN 3-608-91954-6]. Cotta / Verlag Internat. Psychoanalyse (VIP), Stuttgart (1998), pp. 287-415.

98-07 Lehmann, D., Koenig, T. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Was momentan im Kopf ist. Magazin der Universität Zürich, Nr. 3/98 (October), pp. 4-5 (1998).

98-06 Koenig, T., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Event-related electric microstates of the brain differ between words with visual and abstract meaning. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 106: 535-546 (1998).

98-05 Hell, D. and Lehmann, D. Die Erforschung des Denkens und Fühlens. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 92/98 (22. April) p. 26 (1998).

98-04 Yagyu, T., Kondakor, I., Koenig, K., Kochi, K., Lehmann, D., Kinoshita, T., Hirota, T. and Yagyu, T. Smell and taste of chewing gum affect frequency domain EEG source localizations. Int. J. Neurosci. 93(3-4): 205-216 (1998).     

98-03 Lehmann, D., Strik, W.K., Henggeler, B., Koenig, T. and Koukkou, M. Brain electric microstates and momentary conscious mind states as building blocks of spontaneous thinking: I. Visual imagery and abstract thoughts. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 29: 1-11 (1998).

98-02 Pizzagalli, D., Koenig, T., Regard, M. and Lehmann, D. Faces and emotions: brain electric field sources during covert emotional processing. Neuropsychologia 36: 323-332 (1998).          

98-01 Saito, N., Kuginuki, T., Yagyu, T., Kinoshita, T., Koenig, T., Pascual‑Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K., Wackermann, J. and Lehmann, D. Global, regional and local measures of complexity of multichannel EEG in acute, neuroleptic‑naive, first‑break schizophrenics. Biol. Psychiatry 43: 794-802 (1998).          

97-08 Lehmann, D., Kondakor, I., Pizzagalli, D., Kochi, K. and Koenig, T. Source locations of brain electric fields during pleasant and unpleasant emotions. (abstract) Eur. Psychiat., 12 (Suppl. 2): 105s (1997).

97-07 Lehmann, D. From EEG waves to brain maps and to microstates of conscious mentation. In: Witte, H.H.,  Zwiener, U., Schack, B. and Doering, A. (eds.) Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis (Proceedings, Third Hans Berger Symposium, Jena 1996). Druckhaus Maier, Jena and Erlangen, Germany (1997), pp. 139-149.

97-06 Pizzagalli, D., Koenig, T., Regard, M. and Lehmann, D. Event-related potential fields and general affective style. In: Witte, H.H.,  Zwiener, U., Schack, B. and Doering, A. (eds.) Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis (Proceedings, Third Hans Berger Symposium, Jena 1996). Druckhaus Maier, Jena and Erlangen, Germany (1997). pp. 467-470.

97-05 Yagyu, T., Wackermann, J., Shigeta, M., Jelic, V., Kinoshita, T., Kochi, K., Julin, P., Almkvist, O., Wahlund, L.O., Kondakor, I. and Lehmann, D. Global Dimensional Complexity of multi-channel EEG in mild Alzheimer's disease and age-matched cohorts. Dementia 8: 343-347 (1997).

97-04 Lehmann, D. and Koenig, T. Spatio-temporal dynamics of alpha brain electric fields, and cognitive modes. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 26: 99-112 (1997).

97-03 Kondakor, I., Brandeis, D., Wackermann, J., Kochi, K., Koenig, T., Frei, E., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Yagyu, T. and Lehmann, D. Multichannel EEG fields during and without visual input: frequency domain model source locations and dimensional complexities. Neurosci. Lett. 226: 49-52 (1997).

97-02 Kondakor, I., Lehmann, D., Michel, C.M., Brandeis, D., Kochi, K. and Koenig, T. Prestimulus EEG microstates influence visual event-related potential microstates in field maps with 47 channels. J. Neural Transm. (Gen. Sect.) 104(2‑3): 161-173 (1997).

97-01 Yagyu, T., Wackermann, J., Kinoshita, T., Hirota, T., Kochi, K., Kondakor, I., Koenig, T. and Lehmann, D. Chewing gum flavor affects measures of global complexity of multichannel EEG. Neuropsychobiol. 35: 46-50 (1997).

96-05 Hoffmann, K., Skrandies, W., Lehmann, D., Witte, H. and Strobel, J. Instantaneous frequency maps, dipole models and potential distributions of pattern reversal-evoked potential fields for correct recognition of stimulated hemiretinae. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 100: 569-578 (1996).

96-04 Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Models of human brain functions and dysfunctional elements in human history: a close relation. In: D.V. Razis (ed.): The Human Predicament. An International Dialogue on the Meaning of Human Behavior. Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York (1996) [ISBN: 1573920851, 297pp], pp. 269-280.

96-03             Kochi, K., Koenig, T., Strik, W.K. and Lehmann, D. Event-related P300 microstate topography during visual one- and two-dimensional tasks in chronic schizophrenics. Europ. Arch. Psychiatr. Clin. Neurosci. 246: 288-296 (1996).

96-02             Lehmann, D.  Basics of source localization in the frequency domain: the FFT-Dipole-Approximation, and some applications. In: F. Krijzer and W.M. Herrmann (eds.) Advances in Pharmaco-EEG: Practical and Theoretical Considerations in Preclinical and Clinical Studies. (ISBN 3‑00‑000875‑6) Free University of Berlin, Berlin (1996) pp. 55‑62.

96-01             Koenig, T. and Lehmann, D. Microstates in language-related brain potential maps show noun-verb differences. Brain Language 53: 169-182 (1996).

95-10 Lehmann, D., Kochi, K., Koenig, T., Koukkou, M., Michel, C.M. and Strik, W.K. Microstates of the brain electric field and momentary mind states. In: M. Eiselt, U. Zwiener and H. Witte (eds.) Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis. Universitätsverlag Mayer, Jena, Germany (1995) pp. 139-146.

95-09             Brandeis, D., Lehmann, D., Michel, C. and Mingrone, W. Mapping event-related brain potential microstates to sentence endings. Brain Topography 8: 145-159 (1995).

95-08             Kondakor, I., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Michel, C.M. and Lehmann, D. Event-related potential map differences depend on the pre-stimulus microstates. J. Med. Engin. Technol. 19: 66-69 (1995).

95-07             Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Michel, C.M. and Lehmann, D. Segmentation of brain electrical activity into microstates: model estimation and validation. IEEE T. Bio-Med. Eng. 42: 658-665 (1995).

95-06             Koukkou M., Lehmann, D., Federspiel A. and Merlo M.C.G. EEG reactivity and EEG activity in schizophrenia measured with spectral analysis and dimensional complexity. J. Neural Transm. (Gen. Sect.) 99(1-3): 89-102 (1995).

95-05             Strik, W.K., Dierks, T., Becker, T. and Lehmann, D. Larger topographical variance and decreased duration of brain electric microstates in depression. J. Neural Transm. (Gen. Sect.) 99: 213-222 (1995).

95-04             Michel, C.M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Strik, W.K., Koenig, T. and Lehmann, D. Frequency domain source localization shows state-dependent diazepam effects in 47-channel EEG. J. Neural. Transm. (Gen. Sect.) 99: 157-171 (1995).

95-03             Kinoshita, T., Strik, W.K., Michel, C.M., Yagyu, T., Saito, M. and Lehmann, D. Microstate segmentation of spontaneous multichannel EEG map series under Diazepam and Sulpiride. Pharmacopsychiat. 28: 51-55 (1995).

95-02             Lehmann, D., Grass, P. and Meier, B. Spontaneous conscious covert cognition states and brain electric spectral states in canonical correlations. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 19: 41-52 (1995).

95-01             Lehmann, D. Brain electric microstates, and cognitive and perceptual states. In: P. Kruse and M. Stadler (eds): Multistability in Cognition. Springer, Berlin (1995). pp. 407-420.

abstr.  Koukkou, M., Lehmann, D., Strik, W.K. and Merlo, M.C. Maps of microstates of spontaneous EEG in never-treated acute schizophrenia. Brain Topography 6: 251-252 (1994).

94-07             Lehmann, D. Die hirnelektrischen Bausteine des Denkens. "UniZürich" (Magazin der Universität Zürich) Nr. 4, 32-34 (1994).

94-06 Nuwer, M.R., Lehmann, D., Lopes da Silva, F., Matsuoka, S., Sutherling, W. and Vibert J.F. IFCN guidelines for topographic and frequency analysis of EEGs and EPs. Report of an IFCN committee. International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 91: 1-5 (1994).

94-05             Kinoshita, T., Michel, C.M., Yagyu, T., Lehmann, D. and Saito, M. Diazepam and Sulpiride effects on frequency domain EEG source locations. Neuropsychobiol. 30: 126-131 (1994).

94-04             Capaul, M., Zollinger, H., Satz, N., Dietz, V., Lehmann, D. and Schurch, B. Analyses of 94 consecutive spinal cord injury patients using ASIA definityion and modified Frankel score classification. Paraplegia 32: 583-587 (1994).

94-03             Lehmann, D., Michel, C.M., Pal, I. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Event-related potential maps depend on pre-stimulus brain electric microstate map. Int. J. Neurosci. 74: 239-248 (1994).

94-02             Brandeis, D. and Lehmann, D. ERP mapping: a tool for assessing language disorders? In: Heinze, H.J., Münte, T.F. and Mangun, G.R. (eds.) Developments in Event-Related Potentials. Birkhäuser, Boston (1993), pp. 239-247.

94-01             Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Michel, C.M. and Lehmann, D. Low resolution electromagnetic tomography: a new method for localizing electrical activity in the brain. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 18: 49-65 (1994).

93-14 Lehmann, D.,  Henggeler, B., Koukkou, M. and Michel, C.M. Source localization of brain electric field frequency bands during conscious, spontaneous, visual imagery and abstract thought. Cogn. Brain Res. 1: 203-210 (1993).

93-13 Lehmann, D., Wackermann, J., Michel, C.M. and Koenig, T. Space-oriented EEG segmentation reveals changes in brain electric field maps under the influence of a nootropic drug. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging 50: 275-282 (1993).

93-12 Lehmann, D., Michel, C.M., Henggeler, B. and Brandeis, D. Brain electric fields and classes of thoughts. In: L. Ravizza, F. Bogetto and E. Zanalda (eds): Psychiatry and Advanced Technologies. Raven, New York (1993), pp. 11-18.

93-11 Michel, C.M. and Lehmann, D. Single doses of Piracetam affect 42-channel event-related potential microstate maps in a cognitive paradigm. Neuropsychobiol. 28: 212-221 (1993).

93-10 Pascual-Marqui, R.D. and Lehmann, D. Topographic maps, source localization inference, and the reference electrode: comments on a paper by Desmedt et al.  Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 88: 532-533 (1993). (Letter to the Editor)

93-09             Pascual-Marqui, R.D. and Lehmann, D. Comparison of topographic maps and the reference electrode: comments on two papers by Desmedt and collaborators. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 88: 530-531 (1993). (Letter to the Editor)

93-08             Michel, C.M., Henggeler, B., Brandeis, D. and Lehmann, D. Localization of sources of brain Alpha-Theta-Delta activity, and influence of mode of spontaneous mentation. Physiol. Measurement 14 Suppl. 4A: A21-A26 (1993).

93-07             Lehmann, D.  Brain electric states and microstates: towards the atoms of thought. In: M. Rother and U. Zwiener (eds.) Quantitative EEG Analysis - Clinical Utility and New Methods. Universitatsverlag Jena, Germany (1993), pp. 170‑178.

93-06             Strik, W.K. and Lehmann, D. Data-determined window size and space-oriented segmentation of spontaneous EEG map series. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 87: 169-174 (1993).

93-05             Michel, C.M., Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. EEG reactivity in high and low symptomatic schizophrenics, using source modelling in the frequency domain. Brain Topography, 5: 389-394 (1993).

93-04             Wackermann, J., Lehmann, D., Michel, C.M. and Strik, W.K. Adaptive segmentation of spontaneous EEG map series into spatially defined microstates. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 14: 269-283 (1993).

93-03             Koukkou, M., Lehmann, D., Wackermann, J., Dvorak, I. and Henggeler, B. Dimensional complexity of EEG brain mechanisms in untreated schizophrenia. Biol. Psychiatry 33: 397-407 (1993).

93-02             Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. A model of dreaming and its functional significance: the state shift hypothesis. In: A. Moffitt, M. Kramer and R. Hoffmann (eds.): The Functions of Dreaming. State University of New York Press, Albany, N.Y. (1993), pp. 51-118.

93-01             Wackermann, J., Lehmann, D., Dvorak, I. and Michel, C.M. Global dimensional complexity of multichannel EEG indicates change of human brain functional state after a single dose of a nootropic drug. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 86(3): 193-198 (1993).

92-06             Anogianakis, G., Badier, J.M., Barret, G., Erne, S., Fenici, R., Fenwick, P., Grandori, F., Hari, R. Ilmoniemi, R., Maugiere, F., Lehmann, D. , Perrin, F., Peters, M., Romani, G.L., Rossini, P.M. A consensus statement on relative merits of EEG and MEG. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol 82: 317-319 (1992).

abstr.  Henggeler, B., Michel, C.M., Corsi-Cabrera, M., Brunner, D.P. and Lehmann, D. Localizing the sources of EEG frequency bands during REM and NREM sleep. J. Sleep Res. 1 (Suppl. 1): 95 (1992).

abstr.  Koukkou, M., Bucciarelli, F. and Lehmann, D. Differential EEG-reactivity to meaningful and meaningless verbal material during sleep. J. Sleep Res. 1 (Suppl. 1): 119 (1992).

92-05             Witte, H., Lehmann, D., Capaul, M. and Rother, M. Application of instantaneous frequency maps for quantification of visual evoked potentials. Automedica 14: 133-143 (1992).

92-04             Lehmann, D. Brain electric fields and brain functional states. In: R. Friedrich and A. Wunderlin (Eds.): Evolution of Dynamical Structures in Complex Systems. Springer, Berlin. pp. 235-248 (1992).

92-03             Lehmann, D. Auswertung des evozierten Potential- oder ereigniskorrelierten Potential-Mappings. EEG EMG 23: 1‑11 (1992).

92-02             Michel, C.M., Henggeler, B. and Lehmann, D. 42-channel potential map series to visual contrast and stereo stimuli: perceptual and cognitive event-related segments. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 12: 133-145 (1992).

92-01             Michel, C.M., Lehmann, D., Henggeler, B. and Brandeis, D. Localization of the sources of EEG delta, theta, alpha and beta bands using the FFT dipole approximation. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 82: 38-44 (1992).

91-05             Lehmann, D. The linked-reference issue in EEG and ERP recording. Comment. J. Psychophysiol. 5: 277 (1991).

91-04             Lehmann, D. Brain electric field mapping and map analysis in psychiatry: The "atoms of thought". In: G. Racagni, N. Brunello and T. Fukuda (eds.): Biological Psychiatry, Vol 2. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam. pp. 391-394 (1991).

91-03             Lehmann, D., Michel, C.M., Henggeler, B. and Brandeis, D. Source localization of spontaneous EEG using FFT approximation: Different frequency bands, and differences with classes of thoughts. In: I. Dvorak and A.V. Holden (eds): Mathematical Approaches to Brain Functioning Diagnostics. Manchester University Press, Manchester. pp. 159-169 (1991).

91-02             Henggeler, B., Michel, C.M. and Lehmann, D. Types of spontaneous reveries reflected by different EEG generator sources. Sleep Res. 20A: 577 (1991).

91-01             Hirata, K., Pal, I. and Lehmann, D.: Event-related potential components N1, P2 and P3 to rare and frequent stimuli in intellectually impaired neurological patients. Europ. Arch. Psychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 240: 240-245 (1991).

90-07             Brandeis, D., Lehmann, D. and Mingrone, W. N400 maps in sentence reading: robust topographic changes and priming. Brain Topography 3: 247-248 (1990).

90-06             Michel, C.M., Henggeler, B. and Lehmann, D. Correlation between original and single-dipole approximated power maps. Brain Topography 3: 255-256 (1990).

90-05             Lehmann, D. Brain electric microstates and cognition: the atoms of thought. In: E.R. John (ed): Machinery of the Mind. Birkhäuser, Boston. pp. 209-224 (1990).

90-04             Lehmann, D. Past, present and future of topographic mapping. Brain Topography 3: 191-202 (1990).

90-03             Hirata, K. and Lehmann, D.: N1 and P2 of frequent and rare event-related potentials show effects and after-effects of the attended target in the oddball-paradigm. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 9: 293-301 (1990).

90-02             Lehmann, D. and Michel, C.M.: Intracerebral dipole source localization for FFT power maps. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 76: 271-276 (1990).

90-01             Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Brain states of visual imagery and dream generation. In: R.G. Kunzendorf and A.A. Sheikh (eds): The Psychophysiology of Mental Imagery: Theory, Research and Application. Baywood, Amityville, N.Y. pp. 109-131 (1990).

89-10 Herrmann, W.M., Abt, K., Coppola, R., Etevenon, E.T., Ferber, G., Fink, M., Gevins, A.S., Hinrichs, H., Itil, T.M., John, E.R., Kubicki, St., Künkel, H., Kugler, J., Lehmann, D., Petsche, H., Rappelsberger, P., Röhmel, J., Saito, M., Saletu, B. and Scheuler, W.: International Pharmaco-EEG Group (IPEG) Recommendations for EEG and evoked potential mapping. Neuropsychobiology 22: 170-176 (1989).

89-09             Lehmann, D.: From mapping to analysis and interpretation of EEG/EP maps. In: K. Maurer (ed): Topographic Brain Mapping of EEG and Evoked Potentials. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 53-75 (1989).

89-08             Herrmann, W.M., Kubicki, S., Kunkel, H., Kugler, J., Lehmann, D., Maurer, K., Rappelsberger, P. and Scheuler, W. Empfehlungen der Deutschen EEG-Gesellschaft fur das Mapping von EEG-Parametern. EEG EMG 20: 125-132 (1989).

89-07             Lehmann, D. Mapping of EEG power and EEG events during sleep. In: J. Horne (ed): Sleep . Fischer, Stuttgart. pp. 69-72 (1989).

89-06             Lehmann, D. Brain electrical mapping of cognitive functions for psychiatry: functional micro-states. Psychiat. Res. 29: 385-386 (1989).

89-05             Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D. Informationsverarbeitende Hirnprozesse und kognitiv-emotionale Entwicklung; eine psychophysiologische Betrachtung. In: H.M. Weinmann (ed): Aktuelle Neuropaediatrie 1988. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 376-387 (1989).

89-04             Lehmann, D.: Micro-states of the brain in EEG and ERP mapping studies. In: E. Basar and T.H. Bullock (eds): Brain Dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 72-83 (1989).

89-03             Lehmann, D. and Michel, C.M.: Intracerebral dipole sources of EEG FFT power maps. Brain Topography 2: 155-164 and 311 (1989).

89-02             Brandeis, D. and Lehmann, D.: Segments of ERP map series reveal landscape changes with visual attention and subjective contours. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 73: 507-519 (1989).

89-01             Lehmann, D.: Spontaneous and event related brain activity analysed as sequences of maps of functional micro-states. In S. Erne and G.L. Romani (eds): Advances in Biomagnetism - Functional Localization: A Challenge to Biomagnetism. World Scientific, Singapore. pp. 65-274 (1989).

88-03             Lehmann, D.: Spontaneous EEG momentary maps and FFT power maps. In: D. Samson-Dollfus, J.D. Gieu, J. Gotman and P. Etevenon (eds): Statistics and Topography in Quantitative EEG. Elsevier, Paris. pp. 27-48 (1988).

88-02             Lehmann, D., Brandeis, D., Horst, A., Ozaki, H. and Pal, I.: Spontaneous and information-triggered segments of series of human brain electric field maps. In: D. Z. Anderson (ed): Neural Information Processing Systems. Amer. Inst. Physics, New York, N.Y. pp. 467-473 (1988).

88-01             Lehmann, D., Meier, B., Meier, C.A., Mita, T. and Brandeis, D.: Sleep onset mentation characteristics related to lateralized EEG spectral power. Sleep Res. 17: 105 (1988).

87-10 Brandeis, D., Horst, A. and Lehmann, D.: Topographic effects of attention and subjective figure perception in adaptively segmented ERP map series. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., Suppl. 40: 76-80 (1987).

87-09             Lehmann, D.: Mapping and analysing maps of evoked potentials. In: C. Barber and T. Blum (eds): Evoked Potentials III. Butterworths, London. pp. 91-99 (1987).

87-08             Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: A reply to R.C. Howard's commentary on our paper: An information processing perspective on psychophysiological measurements. J. Psychophysiol. 1: 219-220 (1987).

87-07             Lehmann, D., Brandeis, D., Ozaki, H., and Pal, I.: Human brain EEG fields: micro states and their functional significance. In: H. Haken (ed): Computational Systems - Natural and Artificial. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 65-73 (1987).

87-06             Fuchs, A., Friedrich, R., Haken, H. and Lehmann, D.: Spatio-temporal analysis of multi-channel alpha EEG map series. In H. Haken (ed): Computational Systems - Natural and Artificial. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 74-83 (1987).

87-05             Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: An information-processing perspective of psychophysiological measurements. J. Psychophysiol. 1: 109-112 (1987).

87-04             Lehmann, D.: Principles of spatial analysis. In: A. Gevins and A. Remond (eds): Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 1: Methods of Analysis of Brain Electrical and Magnetic Signals. Elsevier, Amsterdam. [ISBN 0-444-80804-3]. pp. 309-354 (1987).

87-03             Lehmann, D., Brandeis, D., Horst, A. and Pal, I.: Hirnzustände im Sub-Sekundenbereich: Elektrische Hirnfelder bei Aufmerksamkeit und bewusster und unbewusster Wahrnehmung. In: H.M. Weinmann (ed): Zugang zum Verständnis höherer Hirnfunktionen durch das EEG. Zuckschwerdt, München. pp. 22-31 (1987).

87-02             Lehmann, D., Ozaki, H. and Pal, I.: EEG alpha map series: brain micro-states by space-oriented adaptive segmentation. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 67: 271-288 (1987).

87-01             Grass, P., Lehmann, D., Meier, B., Meier, C.A. and Pal, I. Sleep onset: Factorization and correlations of spectral EEG parameters and mentation rating parameters. Sleep Res. 16: 231 (1987).

86-09             Pal, I., Ozaki, H., Horst, A. and Lehmann, D.: Adaptive segmentation of scalp EEG map series using spatial characteristics. In: R. Salamon, B. Blum and M. Jorgensen (eds): Med-Info 86. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 657-659 (1986).

86-08             Lehmann, D.: Mapping, spatial analysis and adaptive segmentation of EEG/ERP data. In: C. Shagass, R.C. Josiasson and R.A. Roemer (eds): Brain Electrical Potentials and Psychopathology. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 27-46 (1986).

86-07             Lehmann, D., Ozaki, H. and Pal, I.: Averaging of spectral power and phase via vector diagram best fits without reference electrode or reference channel. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 64: 350-365 (1986).

86-06             Vaughan, H.G., Weinberg, H., Lehmann, D. and Okada, Y.: Approaches to defining the intracranial generators of event related electrical and magnetic fields. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. Suppl. 38: 505-544 (1986).

86-05             Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: Segmentation of evoked potentials based on spatial field configuration in multichannel recordings. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. Suppl. 38: 27-29 (1986).

86-04             Lehmann, D. and Adachi-Usami, E. Mapping of evoked potential data and analysing the maps: Reference-independent strategies. Neuro-Ophthalmol. 6: 179-187 (1986).

86-03             Lehmann, D.: Spatial analysis of EEG and evoked potential data. In: F. H. Duffy (ed): Topographic Mapping of Brain Electrical Activity. Butterworths, Boston. pp. 29-61 (1986).

86-02             Lehmann, D.: Spatial analysis of human evoked potentials. In: R.Q. Cracco and I. Bodis-Wollner (eds): Evoked Potentials. Alan R. Liss, New York. pp. 3-14 (1986).

86-01             Brandeis, D. and Lehmann, D.: Event related potentials of the brain and cognitive processes: Approaches and applications. Neuropsychologia 24: 151-168 (1986).

85-04             Gath, I., Bar-On, E. and Lehmann, D. Automatic classification of visual evoked responses. Comp. Methods Programs Biomed. 20: 17-22 (1985).

85-03             Lehmann, D. and Adachi-Usami, E.: How to map evoked potential data and how to analyse the maps: Reference-independent strategies (in Japanese). Neuro-Ophthalmol. Jpn. 2: 99-106 (1985).

85-02             Borbely, A.A., Mattmann, P., Loepfe, M., Strauch, I. and Lehmann, D.: Effect of Benzodiazepine hypnotics on all-night sleep EEG spectra. Human Neurobiol. 4: 189-194 (1985).

85-01             Dumermuth, G., Lange, B., Lehmann, D. and Meier, C.A.: Spectral analysis of all-night sleep in healthy adults. In: S. Kubicki and W.R. Herrmann (eds): Methods of Sleep Research. Fischer, Stuttgart (1985) pp. 66-74.

84-07             Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: Spatial analysis of evoked potentials in man - a review. Progr. Neurobiol. 23(3): 227-250 (1984).

84-06             Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M. Physiological and mental processes during sleep: A model of dreaming. In: M. Bosinelli and P. Cicogna (eds): Psychology of Dreaming. Cooperativo Libraria Universitaria Editrice, Bologna. pp. 51-63 (1984).

84-05             Lehmann, D., Ozaki, H. und Pal, I. Segmentierung der EEG-Skalp-Felder in Sekundenbruchteilen: Beziehungen zu Vigilanz und Denkstrategien. In: J. Kugler und V. Leutner (eds): Vigilanz. Roche, Basel. pp. 53-74 (1984).

84-04             Landis, T., Lehmann, D., Mita, T. and Skrandies, W.: Evoked potential correlates of figure and ground. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 1: 345-348 (1984).

84-03             Lehmann, D.: EEG assessment of brain activity: Spatial aspects, segmentation and imaging. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 1: 267-276 (1984).

84-02             Lange, B., Dumermuth, G., Lehmann, D. und Meier, C.A.: Zeitliche Dynamik spektraler EEG Parameter während Ganznacht-Schlaf bei gesunden Erwachsenen. EEG EMG 15: 38-44 (1984).

84-01             Lehmann, D.: Ereignis-bezogene Potentiale. In: J. Haase (ed): Neurophysiologie (2. Auflage). Urban und Schwarzenberg, München. pp. 279-309 (1984).

232.    Lehmann, D., Meier, B., Meier, C.A., Mita, T. and Skrandies, W.: Sleep onset mentation related to short epoch EEG spectra. Sleep Res. 12: 180 (1983).

231.    Skrandies, W. and Lehmann, D.: Scalp field distributions of potentials evoked by grating stimuli of different spatial frequency and orientation. (abstract) Neurosci. Lett., Suppl. 14: S 436 (1983).

230.    Adachi-Usami, E. and Lehmann, D.: Luminance effects on latency and topography of average pattern-evoked potentials. Doc. Ophthalmol. 37: 353-360 (1983).

229.    Koukkou, M. und Lehmann, D.: EEG-Charakteristika der Prädisposition zu optisch-halluzinatorischen Erlebnissen bei psychisch Gesunden. In: H.D. Brenner, E. Rey und W.G. Stramke (eds): Empirische Schizophrenieforschung. Huber, Bern. pp. 59-72 (1983).

228.    Dumermuth, G., Lange, B., Lehmann, D., Meier, C.A., Dinkelmann, R. and Molinari, L.: Spectral analysis of all-night sleep in healthy adults. Europ. Neurol. 22: 322-339 (1983).

227.    Gath, I., Lehmann, D. and Bar-On, E.: Fuzzy clustering of EEG signal and vigilance performance. Int. J. Neurosci. 20: 303-312 (1983).

226.    Koukkou, M., Zimmer-Höfler, D. and Lehmann, D.: Lateralized aspects of forced EEG normalization and depressive symptoms in psychopathology. In: P. Flor-Henry and J. Gruzelier (eds): Lateralization and Psychopathology. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 301-313 (1983).

225.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Dreaming: the functional state shift hypothesis, a neuropsychophysiological model. Brit. J. Psychiat. 142: 221-231 (1983).

224.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: A psychophysiological model of dreaming with implications for the therapeutic effect of dream interpretation. In: W.R. Minsel and W. Herff (eds): Proc. First European Conference of Psychotherapy Research, Vol. 2. Peter D. Lang Publishers, Frankfurt and Cirencester. pp. 24-34 (1983).

223.    Borbely, A.A., Mattmann, P., Loepfe, M., Fellmann, I., Gerne, M., Strauch, I. and Lehmann, D.: A single dose of Benzodiazepine hynotics alters the sleep EEG in the subsequent drug-free night. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 89: 157-161 (1983).

222.    Böhmer, A., Henn, V. and Lehmann, D.: Vestibular evoked potentials in the aware rhesus monkey. Adv. Oto-Rhino-Laryng. 30: 54-57 (1983).

221.    Adachi-Usami, E. and Lehmann, D.: Monocular and binocular evoked average potential field topography: Upper and lower hemiretinal stimuli. Exp. Brain Res. 50: 341-346 (1983).

220.    Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Psychophysiologie des Traums. In: M. Ermann (ed): Der Traum in Psychoanalyse und analytischer Psychotherapie. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 54-67 (1983).

219.    Adachi-Usami, E. and Lehmann, D.: Binocular effects on the peak latency of pattern reversal VECPs. Folia Ophthal. Jap. 34: 78-82 (1983).

218.    Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Information processing during sleep. In: W.P. Koelle (ed): Sleep 1982. Karger, Basel, pp.46-48 & 60-62 (1983).

217.    Lehmann, D. und Koukkou, M.: Gehirnaktivität in Schlaf und Traum. In: H. Wendt und N. Loacker (eds): Der Mensch, Vol. 3. Kindler, München. pp. 659-677 (1983).

216.    Koukkou, M., Bigler, M. and Lehmann, D.: Central components of the orienting response (EEG reactivity) in acute and former schizophrenics, neurotics, and normals. Adv. Biol. Psychiatr. 9: 20-27 (1982).

215.    Lehmann, D., Skrandies, W. and Adachi-Usami, E.: The baseline for the measurement of evoked potentials. In: A. Rothenberger (ed): Event-related potentials in children. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 3-10 (1982).

213b   Mita, T., Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: P300 in brain damaged patients. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 55: 22P (1983).

209.    Lehmann, D., Skrandies, W. and Brown, W.S.: Brain function and reference-free analysis of scalp EEG fields. In: R. Sinz and M.R. Rosenzweig (eds): Psychophysiology. Fischer, Jena, GDR, and Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 297-305 (1982).

208.    Skrandies, W. and Lehmann, D.: Spatial principal components of multichannel maps evoked by lateral visual half-field stimuli. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 54: 662-667 (1982).

207.    Borbely, A., Mattmann, P., Loepfe, M., Fellmann, I., Gerne, M., Strauch, I. and Lehmann, D.: Wirkung und Nachwirkung von Flunitrazepam, Flurazepam und Triazolam auf das Schlaf-EEG. In: H. Hippius (ed): Benzodiazepine in der Behandlung von Schlafstörungen. Informed, Gräfelfing. pp. 92-97 (1982).

206.    Skrandies, W. and Lehmann, D.: Occurrence time and scalp location of components of evoked EEG potential fields. In: W.R. Herrmann (ed): Electroencephalography in Drug Research. Fischer, Stuttgart. pp. 183-191 (1982).

204.    Petrig, B., Julesz, B., Lehmann, D. and Lang, J.: Assessment of stereopsis in infants and children, using dynamic random-dot pattern evoked potentials. Doc. Ophthal. Proc. Series 31: 477-482 (1982).

202.    Mattmann, P., Loepfe, M., Scheitlin, T., Schmidlin, D., Gerne, M., Strauch, I., Lehmann, D. and Borbely, A.A.: Day-time residual effects and motor activity after three Benzodiazepine hypnotics. Arzneimittelforschung 32: 461-465 (1982).

201.    Lehmann, D. and Soukos, I.: Visuell evozierte Potentiale und Hirnstamm-Klick-Potentiale in der Frühdiagnose der multiplen Sklerose: Statistik. Nervenarzt 53: 327-333 (1982).

200.    Rentschler, I., Baumgartner, G., Campbell, F.W. and Lehmann, D.: Analysis and restitution of visual function in a case of cerebral amblyopia. Human Neurobiol. 1: 9-16 (1982).

199.    Adachi-Usami, E. and Lehmann, D.: Scalp field topography of monocular and binocular evoked potentials: upper and lower hemiretinal stimuli. Doc. Ophthal. Proc. Series 31: 391-398 (1982).

194.    Koukkou, M., Lehmann, D. and Andreae, A.: Information processing and hemispheric electrical states: Studies with normals, acute, schizophrenics, and neurotics. In: C. Perris, G. Struwe and B. Jansson (eds): Biological Psychiatry 1981. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 199-202 (1981).

192.    Dumermuth, G. and Lehmann, D.: EEG power and coherence during non-REM and REM phases in humans in all-night sleep analyses. Europ. Neurol. 20: 429-434 (1981).

191.    Lehmann, D., Dumermuth, G. Lange, B. and Meier, C.A.: Dream recall related to EEG spectral power during REM periods. Sleep Res. 10: 151(1981).

190.    Lehmann, D., Koukkou, M. and Andreae, A.: Classes of day-dream mentation and EEG power spectra. Sleep Res. 10: 152 (1981).

189b   Koukkou, M., Bultmann, R. and Lehmann, D.: EEG characteristics of the orienting response in acute schizophrenics, former schizophrenics, and normal subjects. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 51: 72P (1981).

186.    Lehmann, D., Darcey, T.M. and Skrandies, W.: Intracerebral and scalp fields evoked by hemiretinal checkerboard reversal and modeling of their dipole generators. In: J. Courjon, F. Mauguiere and M. Revol (eds): Clinical Applications of Evoked Potentials in Neurology. Raven, New York. pp. 41-48 (1982).

185.    Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Dream formation in a psychophysiological model: The state-shift theory. In: W.P. Koella (ed): Sleep 1980. Karger, Basel. pp. 170-174 (References: pp. 186-188) (1981).

184.    Borbely, A.A., Baumann, F., Brandeis, D., Strauch, I. and Lehmann, D.: Sleep deprivation: Effect on sleep stages and EEG power density in man. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 51: 483-493 (1981).

183.    Lehmann, D.: Spatial analysis of evoked and spontaneous EEG potentials. In: N. Yamaguchi and K. Fujisawa (eds): Recent Advances in EEG and EMG Data Processing. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 117-132 (1981).

177b   Darcey, T.M., Wieser, H., Meles, H.P., Skrandies, W. und Lehmann, D.: Intracerebral and scalp fields evoked by visual stimulation. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 49: 111P (1980).

176b   Lehmann, D., Darcey, T.M., Frey, R. und Skrandies, W.: Multichannel scalp field maps during 3/sec spike-wave patterns. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 49: 112P (1980).

173b   Lehmann, D., Darcey, T.M., Kaeppeli, A.F., Richter, M., Skrandies, W. and Wolfensberger, C.: Checkerboard on, reversal, and off stimulation: Scalp locations and latency times of evoked potentials. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 50: 237P-238P (1980).

170.    Brown, W.S., Lehmann, D. and Marsh, J.T. Linguistic meaning-related differences in evoked potential topography: English, Swiss-German and Imagined. Brain Language 11: 340-353 (1980).

169.    Lehmann, D., Skrandies, W. and Lindenmaier, C.: Binocularly evoked potentials: slow, late components to random-dot stereograms and orrelograms (dynamic JULESZ patterns). Progr. Brain Res. 54: 286-290 (1980).

168.    Skrandies, W., Richter, M. and Lehmann, D.: Checkerboard evoked potentials: topography and latency for onset, offset and reversal. Progr. Brain Res. 54: 291-295 (1980).

167.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Fluctuations of functional state: EEG patterns, and perceptual and cognitive strategies. In: M. Koukkou, D. Lehmann and J. Angst (eds): Functional States of the Brain: Their Determinants. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 189-202 (1980). 

166.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Brain functional states: determinants, constraints, and implications. In: M. Koukkou, D. Lehmann and J. Angst (eds): Functional States of the Brain: Their Determinants. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 13-20 (1980).

165.    Koukkou, M., Lehmann, D. and Angst, J. (eds): Functional States of the Brain: Their Determinants. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 329 pp. (1980).

164.    Lehmann, D., Fricker, B. and Meier, C.A.: Decrease of REMP periodicity cycle duration during a dream collection regime: autocorrelation analysis. In: L. Popoviciu, B. Asgian and G. Badiu (eds): Sleep 1978. Karger, Basel. pp. 511-513 (1980).

162.    Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: Visually evoked scalp potential fields in hemiretinal stimulation. Doc. Ophthal. Proc. Series 23: 237-243 (1980).

161.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Psychophysiologie des Träumens und der Neurosentherapie: Das Zustands-Wechsel Modell. Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat. 48: 324-350 (1980).

160.    Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: Reference-free identification of components of checkerboard-evoked multichannel potential fields. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 48: 609-621 (1980).

158.    Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Classes of spontaneous private experiences, and ongoing human EEG activity. In: G. Pfurtscheller, P. Buser, F. Lopes da Silva and H. Petsche (eds): Rhythmic EEG Activities and Cortical Functioning. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 289-297 (1980).

155.    Lehmann, D., Dumermuth, G. and Meier, C.A.: High interhemispheric EEG coherence during REM periods in all-night analysis of human EEG. Sleep Res. 8: 28 (1979).

154.    Lehmann, D. Koukkou, M. and Andreae, A.: Daydreaming mentation and EEG patterns. Sleep Res. 8: 154 (1979).

153.    Strauch, I., Borbely, A., Lehmann, D., Gerne, M., Loepfe, M., Waldvogel, A. and Woehrle, A.: Interrupted vs uninterrupted five-hour sleep. Sleep Res. 8: 151 (1979).

152.    Lehmann, D.: Evozierte gemittelte Hirnpotentiale und was man daraus erkennen kann. Umschau Wiss. Technik 79: 720-722 (1979).

150.    Brown, W.S. and Lehmann, D.: Verb and noun meaning of homophone words activate different cortical generators: a topographical study of evoked potential fields. Exp. Brain Res. Suppl. 2: 159-168 (1979).

146.    Dumermuth, G., and Lehmann, D.: EEG power and coherence during NREM, REM and wakefulness. Waking Sleeping 3: 83-84 (1979).

142.    Lehmann, D., Gabathuler, U. and Baumgartner, G.: Right/left differences of median nerve-evoked scalp potentials in multiple sclerosis. J. Neurol. 221: 15-24 (1979).

140.    Lehmann, D., Strauch, I., Borbely, A.A., Gerne, M., Loepfe, M., Waldvogel, A. und Woehrle, A.: REM latency shorter for second half of interrupted night sleep. Experientia 35: 923 (1979).

139.    Lehmann, D., Brown, W.S. and Mätzener, C.: Hirnpotentiale evoziert durch homophone Wörter: Topographische Unterschiede durch Verb- und Substantiv-Bedeutung. Nervenarzt 50: 147-153 (1979).

138.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: EEG und Halluzinationen: Schizophrenie und experimentelle Induktion. In: L. Eckenberger (ed): Bericht über den 31. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hogrefe, Göttingen. pp. 222-224 (1979).

137.    Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: Multichannel evoked potential fields show different properties of human upper and lower hemi-retinal systems. Exp. Brain Res. 35: 151-159 (1979).

136.    Brown, W.S. and Lehmann, D.: Linguistic meaning related differences in evoked potential scalp topography. In: D. Lehmann and E. Callaway (eds): Human Evoked Potentials: Applications and Problems. Plenum, London. pp. 31-42 (1979).

135.    Lehmann, D. and Skrandies, W.: Multichannel mapping of spatial distributions of scalp potential fields evoked by checker-board stimuli to different retinal areas. In: D. Lehmann and E. Callaway (eds): Human Evoked Potentials: Applications and Problems. Plenum, London. pp. 201-214 (1979).

134.    Lehmann, D. and Callaway, E. (eds): Human Evoked Potentials: Applications and Problems. Plenum, London. 497 pp. (1979).

133.    Lehmann, D. and Brown, W.S.: How to measure evoked EEG potentials for topography. In: C. Barber (ed): Evoked Potentials. MTP Press, Lancaster. pp. 143-146 (1980).

130.    Kavanagh, R.N., Darcey, T.M., Lehmann, D. and Fender, D.H.: Evaluation of methods for three-dimensional localization of electrical sources in the human brain. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engin. 25: 421-429 (1978).

123.    Lehmann, D., Skrandies, W. and Lindenmaier, C.: Sustained cortical potentials evoked in humans by binocularly correlated, uncorrelated and disparate dynamic random-dot stimuli. Neurosci. Lett., 10: 129-134 (1978).

122.    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Correlation between Cannabis-induced psychopathology and EEG before and after drug ingestion. Pharmacopsychiat. Neuro-Pharmacol. 11: 220-227 (1978).

121.    Lehmann, D. and Julesz, B.: Lateralized cortical potentials evoked in humans by dynamic random-dot stereograms. Vision Res. 18: 1265-1271 (1978).

120.    Lehmann, D.: Cortical activity and phases of the respiratory cycle. Proc. 18th Int. Congr. Neuroveg. Res., Tokyo, pp. 87-89 (1977).

112.    Lehmann, D.: The EEG as scalp field distribution. In: A. Remond (ed): EEG Informatics. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 365-384 (1977).

109.    Lehmann, D., Meles, H.P. and Mir, Z.: Scalp EEG field evoked from upper and lower visual half fields. Experientia 33: 781-782 (1977).

107.    Lehman, D., Meles, H.P. and Mir, Z.: Average multichannel EEG potential fields evoked from upper and lower hemiretina: latency differences. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 43: 725-731 (1977).[note: Lehmann was misspelled]

104.    Hebert, R. and Lehmann, D.: Theta bursts: an EEG pattern in normal subjects practicing the transcendental meditation technique. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 42(3): 397-405 (1977).

103.    Lehmann, D., Koukkou, M. and Dittrich, A.: Pattern evoked average EEG potentials and dichoptic visual percepts. Perception 6: 77-84 (1977).

102.    Lehmann, D., Meles, H.P. and Mir, Z.: Scalp field maps of averaged EEG potentials evoked by checkerboard inversion. Biomed. Technik (Biomed. Engin.) 21 Suppl.: 117-118 (1976).

100.    Lehmann, D., Lang, W. and De Bruyne, P.: Kontrolliertes EEG-Alpha-Feedback-Training bei Gesunden und Kopfschmerzpatienten. Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr. 221: 331-343 (1976).

99.      Lehmann, D. and Mir, Z.: Methodik und Auswertung visuell evozierter EEG-Potentiale bei Verdacht auf Multiple Sklerose. J. Neurol. 213: 97-103 (1976).

98.      Lehmann, D., Hickman, T. and Ziegler, A.J.: REM periodicity maintained during partial REM deprivation. Sleep Res. 5: 215 (1976).

97.      Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Human EEG spectra before and during Cannabis hallucinations. Biol. Psychiat. 11: 663-677 (1976).

96.      Lehmann, D. and Mir, Z.: Visually evoked average EEG potentials and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. 118: 293-294 (1976).

90.      Ziegler, A.J., Lehmann, D. and Hickman, T.: Pleasant and unpleasant dream emotions changed by partial REM deprivation. Sleep Res. 4: 188 (1975).

89.      Koukkou, M., Dittrich, A. and Lehmann, D.: Hypnagogic experiences and EEG: assessment by post-awakening questionnaire. Sleep Res. 4: 169 (1975).

88.      Lehmann, D. und Wälchli, P.: Depth perception and location of brain lesion. J. Neurol. 209: 157-164 (1975).

85.b    Lehmann, D. and Knauss, T.A.: Respiratory cycle and EEG in man and cat. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 40: 187 (1976).

84.      Lehmann, D.: EEG phase differences and their physiological significance in scalp field studies. In: E. Dolce and H. Künkel (eds): Computerized EEG Analysis CEAN. Fischer, Stuttgart. pp. 102-110 (1975).

81.      Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Computer analysis of EEG wakefulness-sleep patterns during learning of novel and familiar sentences. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 37: 73-84 (1974).

78.      Rau, H., Meienberg, O., Lehmann, D. und Regli, F.: Die statische Hirnszintigraphie in der Diagnostik zerebrovasculärer Erkrankungen. Dtsch. Med. Wschr. 98: 973-976 (1973).

76.      Lehmann, D., Rau, H. and Koukkou, M.: Sleep experience and sleeping pills in neurological patients. In: W.P. Koella and P. Levin (eds): Sleep. Karger, Basel. pp. 513-516 (1973).

75.      Lehmann, D., Madey, J.M. and Rau, H.: Multichannel field studies of human sleep EEG. In: U.J. Jovanovic (ed): The Nature of Sleep. Fischer, Stuttgart. pp. 27-30 (1973).

74.      Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Learning and EEG during sleep in humans. In: W.P. Koella and P. Levin (eds): Sleep. Karger, Basel. pp. 43-47 & 62-67 (1973).

73.      Lehmann, D.: Multichannel EEG field studies: Phase differences of conventional EEG waves. In: G. Schenk (ed): Die Quantifizierung des Elektroenzephalogramms. AEG-Telefunken, Konstanz. pp. 157-165 (1973). 

71.      Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: Human learning and EEG analysis in sleep experiments. In: U.J. Jovanovic (ed): The Nature of Sleep. Fischer, Stuttgart. pp. 146-149 (1973).

68.      Lehmann, D.: Human scalp EEG fields: Evoked, alpha, sleep and spike-wave patterns. In: H.H. Petsche and M.A.B. Brazier (eds): Synchronization of EEG Activity in Epilepsies. Springer, Wien. pp. 307-325 (1972).

67.      Jacewitz, M.M. and Lehmann, D.: Iconic memory, dichoptic interference and short-term consolidation. Neuropsychologia 10: 193-198 (1972).

66.      Georgulis, A., Koukkou, M. und Lehmann, D.: Mutterkontakt als wirksame Belohnung bei sehr jungen Ratten. 69. Tagung Dtsch. Ges. Kinderheilk., Bad Pyrmont. (abstract) ALETE-Reihe 5: 123 (1972). 

64.      Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Das EEG des Menschen beim Lernen von neuem und bekanntem Material. Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr. 215: 22-32 (1971).

63.      Lehmann, D.: Multichannel topography of human alpha EEG fields. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 31: 439-449 (1971).

62.      Lehmann, D.: EEG-Analyse und psychische Funktionen. Nervenarzt 42: 257-262 (1971).

56.      Lehmann, D.: EEG evoked potentials, and eye and image movements. In P. Bach-y-Rita and C.C. Collins (eds): The Control of Eye Movements. New York, Academic Press. pp. 149-173 (1971).

54.      Eskildsen, P., Newton, T.S. and Lehmann, D.: Dichoptic interaction of visual structure and light flashes. Perception Psychophysics 10: 364-366 (1971).

47.      Koukkou, M. Lehmann, D. and Jacewitz, M.M.: Mother contact as reward for T-maze performance of nine to eleven day old rat pubs. Fed. Proc. 29: 657 (1970).

44.      Lehmann, D., Kavanagh, R.N. and Fender, D.H.: Field studies of averaged visually evoked EEG potentials in a patient with a split chiasm. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 26: 193-199 (1969).

43.      Lehmann, D. and Fender, D.H.: Averaged visual evoked potentials in humans: Mechanism of dichoptic interaction in a subject with split chiasm. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 27: 142-145 (1969).

40.      Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: O paragwn cronoV eiV thn egxaraxin tou mnhmonikou ixnouV (O paragon chronos eis tin engcharaxin tou mnimonikou ichnous) (Greek) (The factor time in the consolidation of the memory trace). Iatriki 15: 165-172 (1969).

39.      Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Lernen und EEG-Aktivierung im Schlaf beim Menschen. Naturwissenschaften 55: 352-353 (1968).

36.      Lehmann, D. and Fender, D.H.: Component analysis of human averaged evoked potentials: Dichoptic stimuli using different target structure. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 24: 542-553 (1968).

34.      Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.: EEG and memory storage in sleep experiments with humans. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 25: 455-462 (1968).

33.      Fisher, N.F., Jampolsky, A., Scott, A.B., Morris, A., Lehmann, D. and Alden, J.: Traumatic bitemporal hemianopsia, part III: Nasal versus temporal retinal function. Amer. J. Ophthal. 65: 578-581 (1968).

32.      Fender, D.H. and Lehmann, D.: Analysis of EEG evoked potentials in dichoptic viewing conditions: influence of target structure. Psychophysiol. 4: 499-500 (1968).

29.      Lehmann, D. and Fender, D.H.: Monocularly evoked electroencephalogram potentials: influence of target structure presented to the other eye. Nature (London) 215: 204-205 (1967).

28.      Lehmann, D., Beeler, G.W. and Fender, D.H.: EEG response to light flashes during the observation of stabilized and normal retinal images. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 22: 136-142 (1967).

27.      Fender, D.H., Beeler, G.W. and Lehmann, D.: EEG "evoked" Potentiale des Menschen als Anzeige der Kapazitätsbelastung des visuellen Systems: Effekte normaler und stabilisierter Netzhautbilder. Naturwissenschaften 53: 586 (1967).

26.      Sterman, M.B., Knauss, T.A., Lehmann, D. and Clemente, C.D.: Circadian sleep and waking patterns in the laboratory cat. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 19: 509-517 (1965).

25.b    Murata, K., Lehmann, D. and Bach-y-Rita, P.: Simultaneous periodicity of spontaneous neuronal activity in the cortex and thalamus of the cat. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 20: 100 (1966).

24.      Lehmann, D., Beeler, G.W. and Fender, D.H.: Changes in patterns of the human electroencephalogram during fluctuations of perception of stabilized retinal images. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 19: 336-343 (1965).

20.      Jacobson, A., Lehmann, D., Kales, A. und Wenner, W.H.: Somnambule Handlungen im Schlaf mit langsamen Wellen. Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr. 207: 141-150 (1965).

18.      Jacobson, A., Kales, A., Lehmann, D. and Zweizig, J.R.: Somnambulism: All-night EEG studies. Science 148: 975-977 (1965).

15.      Lehmann, D. and Kuhlo, W.: Subjective phenomena and EEG during the onset of sleep. (abstract) Proc. 4th Ann. Meet. Assoc. Psychophysiol. Study of Sleep, Stanford CA  (1964).

13.      Lehmann, D. und Koukkou, M.: Neuronale Effekte der Caudatumreizung im visuellen Cortex: Hemmung und Aktivierung. Pflügers Arch. Ges. Physiol. 280: 297-315 (1964).

12.      Lehmann, D. and Knauss, T.A.: Relations between EEG patterns and phases of the respiratory cycle. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 17: 714 (1964).

11.      Kuhlo, W. and Lehmann, D.: Das Einschlaferleben und seine neurophysiologischen Korrelate. Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr. 205: 687-716 (1964).

10.b    Koukkou, M. and Lehmann, D.:  Single unit activity in the visual cortex during tonic-clonic seizures of the encephale isole cat. (abstract) Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 19: 196 (1965).

 9.        Jacobson, A., Kales, A., Lehmann, D. and Hoedemaker, F.: Muscle tonus during sleep and dreaming in humans. Exp. Neurol. 10: 418-424 (1964).

 5.        Lehmann, D., Murata, K. und Koukkou, M.: Simultane Periodik der Neuronaktivität in verschiedenen Cortexfeldern der Katze. Naturwissenschaften 49: 611-612 (1962).

 3.        Lehmann, D. and Koukkou, M.: Neuronal discharge patterns and spontaneous EEG spindles in the visual cortex of encephale isole cats. (abstract) Excerpta Med. Int. Congr. Series No. 37: 10-11 (1961).

 2.        Creutzfeldt, O., Spehlmann, R. and Lehmann, D.: Veränderung der Neuronaktivität des visuellen Cortex durch Reizung der substantia reticularis mesencephali. In: R. Jung und H. Kornhuber (eds): The Visual System: Neurophysiology and Psychophysics. Springer, Berlin. pp. 351-363 (1961).

 1.        Lehmann, D.: Klinische Beiträge zur Möglichkeit der Differentialdiagnose zwischen Paralysis agitans und postencephalitischem Parkinsonismus. Med. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg. 42 pp. (1957).


Brain Fields