Kieko KOCHI, M.D., Ph.D.,

President and Founder
The KEY Foundation for Brain-Mind Research, Z�rich

The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Z�rich


For later publications, see page Activities

Tanaka, H., Koenig, T., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Hirata, K., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D. Event-Related Potential and EEG Measures in Parkinson's Disease without and with dementia. Dementia Geriat. Cogn. Disorder 11: 39-45 (2000).

Koenig, T., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
Event-related microstates of the brain differ between words with visual and abstract meaning. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 106: 535-546 (1998).

Saito, N., Kuginuki, T., Yagyu, T., Kinoshita, T., Koenig, T., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi,K, Wackermann, J. and Lehmann, D. Global, regional and local measures of complexity of multichannel EEG in acute, neuroleptic-naive, first-break schizophrenics. Biol. Psychiat. 43: 794-802 (1998).

Saito N. Kuginuki T. Yagyu T. Kinoshita T. Koenig T. Pascual-Marqui RD. Kochi K. Wackermann J. Lehmann D.
Global, regional, and local measures of complexity of multichannel electroencephalography in acute, neuroleptic-naive, first-break schizophrenics. [Journal Article] Biological Psychiatry. 43(11):794-802, 1998 June

Yagyu, T., Kondakor, I., Koenig, K., Kochi,K, Lehmann, D. Kinoshita, T., Hirota, T. and Yagyu, T.
Smell and taste of chewing gum affect frequency domain EEG source localizations. Int. J. Neurosci. 93: 205-216 (1998).

RD Pascual-Marqui, D Lehmann, T Koenig, K Kochi, MCG Merlo, D Hell, M Koukkou (1999) Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) Functional Imaging in Acute, Neuroleptic-Naive, First-Episode, Productive Schizophrenia; Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging; 90:169-179.

Koenig, T., Lehmann, D., Merlo, M.C.G., Kochi, K., Hell, D. and Koukkou, M. A deviant EEG brain microstate in acute, neuroleptic-naive schizophrenics at rest. Europ. Arch. Psychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 249: 205-211 (1999).
Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Lehmann, D., Koenig, T., Kochi, K., Merlo, M.C.G., Hell, D. and Koukkou, M. Low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) functional imaging in acute, neuroleptic-naive, first?episode, productive schizophrenics. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging 90: 169-179 (1999).

Yagyu T., Wackermann J., Kinoshita T., Hirota T., Kochi K., Kondakor I., Koenig T., Lehmann D.
Chewing-gum flavour affects measures of global complexity of multichannel EEG, Neuropsychobiology, 35:46-50, 1997

Kondakor I., Brandies D., Wackermann J., Kochi K., Koenig T., Frei E., Pascual-Marqui R.D., Yagyu T., Lehmann D.
Multichannel EEG fields during and without visual input: frequency domain model source locations and dimensional complexities, Neuroscience Letters 226: 49-52,1997

Kondakor I, Lehmann D, Michel C.M., Brandeis D, Kochi K, Koenig T
Prestimulus EEG-microstates influence visual event-related potential microstates in field map with 47-channels. J. Neural Transm.  ( in press )

Kochi K., Koenig T., Strik W.K., Lehmann D.
Event-related potential P300 microstate topography during visual one- and twodimentional tasks in chronic schizophrenics, European Archives of Psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 246: 288-296, 1996

Lehmann D., Kochi K., Koenig T., Koukkou M., Michel C.M., Strik W.K.
Microstates of the brain electric field and momentary mind states. In: M.Eiselt, U.Zwiener and H.Witte (eds.) Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis. Universit�tsverlag Mayer, Jena, pp.139-146, 1995

Kochi K., Murasaki M., Koga Y., Takeuchi H.
An electrophysiological study on cognitive function in dysorexia nervosa,
Clinical electroencephalography, 3: 527-530, 1992

Kochi K., Murasaki M., Kaburaki H., Ochiai K.
An electrophysiological study on cognitive function in dysorexia nervosa,
34: 510-514, 1992

Kochi K.
Psychophysiological study on the disturbances of pattern cognition in schizophrenia, Japanese journal of electroencephalography and electromyography 20 (3): 277-288, 1992

Kochi K., Koga Y., Murasaki M.
Disturbance of allocation of processing resource in schizophrenia : a study of dual task processing using ERP, SEISHINIGAKU, and 34:1097-1102,1992

Abstracts in Journals:

Esslen, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi,K, Hell, D. and Lehmann, D. Functional imaging with Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) in a silent verbal fluency task. (XXIInd CINP Congress, 9-13 July 2000, Brussels) [Abstract Book: P.20.14] Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. 3: (Supplement 1) S382 (2000).

Esslen, M. Pascual-Marqui, R.D. Kochi, K. Hell, D. Lehmann, D. Functional imaging with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) in a silent verbal fluency task, The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 3, Supplement 1, July 2000, page S382. Presented at the CINP meeting in Brussels, July 9-13.

Esslen, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi,K, Hell, D., Lehmann, Brain electrical tomography (LORETA) of different emotions in healthy subjects. D.165.TagungSchweizerische Neurologische Gesellschaft und Schweizerische Gesellschaft f�r Klinische Neurophysiologie, Lugano, Switzerland, Mai 11-13, 2000,

Esslen, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi,K, Hell, D., Lehmann, D. Activated brain regions in a silent verbal fluency task: Functional imaging with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) Neuroscience Center Zurich, Symposium 2000, Zurich, Switzerland, October 20.2000,

Esslen, M., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi,K, Hell, D. and Lehmann, D. Activated brain regions in a silent verbal fluency task: functional imaging with low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). (ZNZ[Zentrum f�r Neurowissenschaften] Symposium 2000, Oct. 20, 2000, Z�rich, abstract book: p. 18).

Isotani, T., Tanaka, H., Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi,K, Saito, N., Yagyu, T. and Kinoshita, T. Source location of brain electric activity during hypnotically induced anxiety and relaxation. (20th Symposium, Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry, Jan. 13, 2000, Basel, abstract book: P-38).

Isotani T, Lehmann D, Pascual-Marqui RD, Kochi K, Saito N, Yagyu T, Kinoshita T (2000) Differences of brain electric activity between high and low hypnotizable healthy subjects. 165 Tagung Schweizerische Neurologische Gesellschaft und Schweizerische Gesellschaft fuer Klinische Neurophisiologie, Lugano (Switzerland)

R.D. Pascual-Marqui, M. Esslen, K. Kochi, D. Hell, D. Lehmann. Low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA): validation, methods of analysis, and examples”.the IPEG (International Pharmaco-EEG Group) meeting in Vienna (August-September). Authors:.

R.D. Pascual-Marqui, M. Esslen, K. Kochi, D. Hell, D. Lehmann, K. Hirata, H. Tanaka, B. Saletu, P. Anderer. LORETA: Possibilities and limitations. theISBET 2000 meeting, Frankfurt, November.

Tanaka, H., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Gianotti, L., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
Frequency domain dipole source modeling of EEG in Parkinson's disease with and without dementia.(Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, June 22-26, 1999, Duesseldorf)(Poster No.: 593)Neuroimage (1999)

Tanaka, H., Hirata, K., Hodumi, A., Kubo, J., Koenig, T., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Kochi, K. Lehmann, D.
Electroencephalographic and event-related potential changes in Parkinson's disease.(IXth Int. Congress of EMG and Clin. Neurophysiol. (ICEMGCN), Sept. 7-11, 1999, Prague) (Poster: PS-31.6)Clin. Neurophysiol. 110 (Suppl.1) S234 (1999).

Koenig, T., Kondakor, I., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
EEG microstate analysis, or how to quantify different classes of mental operations.
(KEY Foundation Workshop on "Brain Functions and Brain Electric Fields: Assessing Field Distributions in Space as Landscapes, and Field Evolution in Time as Microstates ",
Nov. 9-10, 1996, Osaka)
Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging 83: 58-59 (1998).

Koenig, T., Koukkou, M., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
Schizophrenic patients do not spend enough time in one specific brain state: evidence from brain electric field analysis.
(9th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia,
Feb. 7-13, 1998, Davos)
Schizophrenia Res. 29: 120 (1998).

Koenig, T., Koukkou, M., Hell, D., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
Altered repertory of functional brain microstates in acute, never-treated schizophrenics
(Kongress Deutsch. Ges. Biol. Psychiatr.: Hans-Berger-Symposium, Chairs: D. Lehmann & H. Sauer,
1-3 Oct. 1998, Jena).
Europ. Arch. Psychiatr. Clin. Neurosci. 248 (Suppl. 2): S76 (1998).

Kondakor, I., Lehmann, D., Michel, C.M., Wackermann, J., Koenig, T., Kochi, K. and Pascual-Marqui, R.D.
Piracetam effects on global complexities of spontaneous multichannel EEG.
(9th World Congress of Psychophysiology,
Sept. 14-19, 1998, Taormina, Italy)
Int. J. Psychophysiol. 30: 45 (1998) [Abstr. #114]

Lehmann, D., Koenig, T., Kochi,K, Hell, D. and Koukkou, M.
EEG microstates in acute,neuroleptic-na�ve schizophrenics.
(9th World Congress, Internal Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography ISBET, New Orleans; Symposium on Brain Fields in Psychiatry, Chairs: D. Lehmann and K. Maurer,
Oct. 6-9, 1998)
Brain Topography 11: 69 (1998).

Lehmann, D., Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Koenig, T., Kochi, K. and Koukkou, M.
LORETA-tomography of brain electric field data in acute, medication-na�ve schizophrenics.
(Kongress Deutsch. Ges. Biol. Psychiatr.: Hans-Berger-Symposium, Chairs: D. Lehmann & H. Sauer,
1-3 Oct. 1998, Jena).
Europ. Arch. Psychiatr. Clin. Neurosci. 248 (Suppl. 2): S75 (1998).

Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Koukkou, M., Koenig, T., Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
Localization of hypo- and hyper-activity in neuroleptic-naive, first-break, acute, productive schizophrenia using Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) registered to the Talairach human brain atlas.
(9th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia,
Feb. 7-13, 1998, Davos)
Schizophrenia Res. 29: 121 (1998).

Pascual-Marqui, R.D., Koukkou, Kochi, K. and Lehmann, D.
Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA)Cross-registered to the Standard Talairach Brain Atlas.
(4th International conference on functional mappinf of the human brain, June 7-13, 1998, Montreal, Canada)
Neuroimage 7: 807 (1998).

Koenig T, Kochi.K, Kondakor I, Lehmann D, Revenstorf D
Hypnotic Induction of different emotional states alters the location of single dipole models in the  frequency domain. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging ( in press )

Koenig T, Kondakor I, Kochi.K, Lehmann D
EEG microstates analysis, or how to quantify different classes of mental  operations. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging ( in press )

Koenig T, Kondakor I, Kochi.K, Lehmann D
Quantification of different classes of mental operations using EEG  microstates analysis. Brain Topography (in press )

Pascual-Marqui R.D., Lehmann D, Koukkou M, Koenig T, Kochi.K
Reduced functional connectivity in untreated, first-break schizophrenics:  evidence from LORETA analysis of brain electric fields. Brain Topography ( in press )

Yagyu T, Wackermann J, Lehmann D, Kinoshita T, Hirota T, Kondakor I, Koenig T, Kochi K
Diazepam effect on Global Dimensional Complexity and OMEGA complexity of multichannel EEG, Neuropsychology (in press )  

Frei E, Koenig T, Kochi.K, Kondakor I
Representation of emotions in microstates of the spontaneous brain field. Brain Topography, 8, 411, 1996

Kochi.K, Koenig T, Frei E, Lehmann D
P300 Microstates in schizophrenia. Brain Topography, 8, 416, 1996

Koenig T, Koukkou M, Kochi.K, Lehmann D
Verkleinertes repertoire der mikrozust�nde des hirnelektrischen feldes in der schizophrenie. Fortschr. Neurol.Psychiatr. 64:61 1996

Kondakor I, Lehmann D, Michel C.M., Kochi K, Koenig T
Prestimulus EEG-microstates influence the maps of poststimulus ERP microstates in 47-channel recordings. Brain Topography 8, 412, 1996

Frei E, Kochi.K, Koenig T, Lehmann D, Revenstorf D
Power spectra of global field power curve differ during hypnotic suggestion of visual images vs.abstract thoughts. Brain Topography, 1995, 7,259.

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