Blog der Hauptbibliothek

Fast and furious with Mendeley

28. November 2018 | HBZ | Keine Kommentare |

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Mendeley is a freely available, intuitive literature management program. The software helps you keep track of your references. With the software you can:

    • Save references directly from the browser with the Web Importer
    • Administration and organization of your references
    • Direct reading of PDFs with the integrated PDF viewer
    • Quoting in Word with the Citation Plugin
    • Synchronization of the Mendeley library to different devices

What needs to be installed to work with Mendeley?

    1. Create a Mendeley account
    2. Download Mendeley Desktop (compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux)
    3. Install Web Importer (compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE)
    4. Citation Plugin is installed automatically
    5. Optional you can install the app (Apple / Android)
    6. Optionally, you can link your Mendeley library with Zotero integration, another free literature management program.

On the Mendeley website, you will find videos and help guides that explain the program’s features step-by-step.

In addition to its function as a literature management program, Mendeley can also be used as a social network tool.

If you have any questions about Mendeley, please contact us:

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