Department of Informatics – DDIS

Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group

Double success at WWW for Tobias Grubenmann

14. March 2018 | Suzanne Tolmeijer | Keine Kommentare |

Good news for PhD student Tobias Grubenmann: not one, but two of his papers got accepted at the next Web Conference in April. This conference, formerly known as the WWW Conference, is a highly regarded conference in the field of the world wide web. Tobias will be there to present ‘Financing the Web of Data with Delayed-Answer Auctions‘, in which he and his colleagues suggest an auction mechanism with delayed answers to a query on the Web of Data, to make sure sponsored data gets privileged over non-sponsored data. With this new concept, a first step is taken towards a free yet financial sustainable Web of Data.

Besides this paper, he will also present his work at the PhD Symposium, where PhD students can present their ongoing research. In his paper, called ‘Monetization Strategies for the Web of Data‘, he introduces his take on how to make the Web of Data sustainable by finding ways to finance the creation and maintenance of content on the Web of Data.


Abgelegt unter: ConferenceDDIS-People