Renku Pilot Project

· by Marcel Riedi · in S3IT

Renku is a platform that bundles together various tools for reproducible and collaborative data analysis projects. It is aimed at independent researchers and data scientists as well as labs, collaborations, and courses and workshops. Science IT is currently evaluating the interest in a central service based on the RenkuLab solution. Subscribe to the Science IT Renku pilot project mailing list to get more information and be part of the Renku Pilot Project.

Are you an RStudio or JupyterLab user? 
Do you want to improve the computational reproducibility of your research?
Do you want to easily share your computational projects?
Do you want to easily link your data, code and computational environments?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, please read on. Science IT is currently evaluating the interest in and feasibility of establishing a central service based on the RenkuLab solution.

RenkuLab – an open-source web platform for collaborative and reproducible data science – might help you. RenkuLab is developed by the Swiss Data Science Center and can be used “for creating, storing, working on and sharing collaborative data analysis projects”.

The first step is to assess the size of the community interested in such a service.
So, if you would be interested in a potential RenkuLab service @ UZH please subscribe to the Science IT Renku pilot project mailing list by the end of June: .

We will provide you with more information (e.g., getting started, tutorials, updates) and will also contact you by the end of August at the latest to learn more about your experience with RenkuLab. The mailing list will be used only for communication related to the Renku Pilot Project and it will be removed at the end of the pilot project (by the end of September 2022).

If you have questions please contact us via .

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