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Magnolia CMS User Guide


You place images mostly in the "Text/Image component", in the tab "Image":

The fields “Image” and “Alternative Text” must be filled in, the remaining fields are optional.

  • Image: Path to the image file in the Assets section. Click “Select new” and select the image you want.
  • Alternative text: Text for Screen readers (Accessibility) and Search engines

The picture appears after the title and before the text. It can also be “floated” by the text.

Pictures can also be placed anywhere in the text by clicking on the “Bild” button in the text area of the component. This is not recommended as it can cause problems. However, it is currently the only way to place several pictures side by side (in a table).

To show many pictures, there are the components “Image Gallery” and “Slideshow”


  1. Insert an image in the tab "Image"
  2. Resize the display of the image by entering a number in «width» (ca. 200)
  3. Activate "Float" ("Left" or "Right").
  4. Enter an "Alternative text" and a "Caption"
  5. Test the function "Popup"


User manual (In German)


Image galleries

Komponente Bildergalerie
Komponente Slideshow

Important general information on images in Magnolia

Thema «Bilder»

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