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Institute of Education


Bild Forschung

The Chair of Teaching and Educational Technology investigates possibilities for the design of effective teaching, especially at upper secondary schools. In addition to questions of instructional quality, it is also concerned with the process of developing teachers’ necessary skills and convictions. A particular focus of the research is on the use of digital technology in teaching and on effective approaches to teacher education.

Current Projects

Digital transformation in upper secondary schools (DigiTraS II)
Since the last surveys on the state of digital media integration in Swiss schools in 2001 and 2007, there is a lack of representative data on the efforts made in this regard in upper secondary schools. The project is therefore planning an updated large-scale survey with school principals, teachers and pupils. The surveys will cover all regions of the country and all types of schools (grammar schools, vocational schools, vocational baccalaureate schools and specialist baccalaureate schools or corresponding courses). A particular focus will be on school development activities and teaching practices. In addition to comprehensive questionnaires, 20 case studies from particularly advanced schools will complete the picture. The project is led by Prof. Dominik Petko (UZH), in cooperation with Prof. Philipp Gonon (UZH) and Prof. Albert Cattaneo (EHB Lugano). The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation as part of the National Research Programme 77 and will start on 01.05.2020 with a duration of four years.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Upper Secondary Teachers (TPACK.GYM)
In the TPACK.GYM project, the subject-specific pedagogical and digital competences of prospective secondary school teachers will be investigated using the TPACK model. The project envisages the following phases: In a first step, various survey and test instruments will be developed. Subsequently, interrelationships of TPACK with other relevant constructs will be investigated (e.g. experiences, competencies and attitudes of teachers towards technology and media). Based on this, the findings will be incorporated into the training of secondary school teachers and analysed with regard to their impact. (Project: Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko, Mirjam Schmid, Eliana Brianza; internal project; duration: from 05.2019)

Completed Projects

Reflection in classroom practice with weblogs and mobile microblogs
Reflection on one's own practice is an important part of the training of future teachers, especially in school internships. However, research has shown that reflection often remains superficial. Mobile technologies can be a promising means to deepen reflection. For this purpose, the app was developed and experimentally tested in collaboration with the Schwyz University of Teacher Education. In the course of the internship, both the students and their pupils are repeatedly interviewed. Based on this data, the aim is to examine how digital technologies can be used to improve reflection and the ability of prospective teachers to organise lessons professionally. This should provide decisive information for the design of more effective teacher training. (Project Management: Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko; Regina Schmid, Laura Müller, Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation, SNF_100019_173049, Duration: 10.2017 - 02.2021)

National supplementary study PISA 2018: Homework Engagement and Digital Cheating
As part of the PISA 2018 accompanying surveys, Swiss 15-year-olds were asked a number of additional questions about their homework behaviour. These include a tried and tested questionnaire scale on deliberate effort on the one hand, and a series of newly developed questions on avoiding effort with the help of digital technologies, e.g. by secretly using Internet sources and copying each other via social media on the other. While PISA has been collecting data on the productive use of digital media for homework for years, figures on potentially unproductive effects are still missing. The study would like to supplement the data on productive media use for homework with data on the possible downside in order to gain a differentiated picture and explore connections with test performance. (Project Management: Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko, Partner: EDK, PISA Consortium; Duration: 2016 - 2020)

Personalized learning with digital media (perLen)
In the perLen project perLen, 65 schools were scientifically monitored over 3 years with personalized learning concepts. In a sub-project, the chair holder investigated the use of digital technology to support the introductory phase of lessons (project leader: Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko, Regina Schmid, partners: Prof. Dr. Kurt Reusser (University of Zurich), Dr. Rita Stebler (University of Zurich), Prof. Dr. Christine Pauli (University of Freiburg), funding: Mercator Foundation, 08/2013 - 12/2016, see

Weiterführende Informationen

Hofansicht Kantonsschulstrasse 3

KAB Institute Building

Chair Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko

Teaching and Educational Technology

Office hour (Prof. Petko):
Tuesday, 13-14h (without appointment)

Office hours (secretariat):
Monday: 9-12h
Wednesday: 9-16h
Thursday: 9-12h

You can reach us by email: