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The Master of Law UZH serves to deepen various areas of law. This Master's program offers great freedom of design and allows for specialization as well as a broad-based deepening of legal expertise.
As of fall semester 21, the English-language Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law will be introduced. It serves to deepen students' knowledge in various areas of international and comparative law and consists of two study programs. The range of modules is already available as of fall semester 20.
The Master of Law UZH with a concentration in Public Law serves to deepen students' knowledge in various areas of public law, with great emphasis on international aspects (international law, European law). This concentration will not be continued and can be started for the last time in spring semester 20.
The Master of Law UZH with a concentration in Legal Practice is geared towards practical work in the legal profession and the judiciary. The essential content is the deepening of the individual core areas taught in the Bachelor's program as well as the practice-related application of knowledge in the areas of civil, criminal and/or public law, procedural law and international law. This concentration will not be continued and can be started for the last time in spring semester 20.
The Master of Law UZH with a concentration in Business Law is aimed at the acquisition of comprehensive competences in the field of national and international business law and therefore primarily at a later activity as a business lawyer in companies and in the legal profession. This concentration will not be continued and can be started for the last time in spring semester 20.