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Aktuelle News


  • Welcome Prof. Johanna Nordlander

    Prof.  Johanna Nordlander is a leading expert in oxide materials discovery

  • CMS W boson mass measurement

    The CMS collaboration published the most precise measurement of the W Boson mass at LHC so far.
    It is in in line with the prediction from the Standard Model of particle physics.

  • In Memoriam: Günther Rasche, Wolfgang Jaus

    Günther Rasche (5 Mai 1934 – 14 Juli 2024)
    Wolfgang Jaus (14 Januar 1938 – 4 Juli 2024)

    Günther Rasche (1934 – 2024) und Wolfgang Jaus (1938– 2024) kamen beide um 1960 an das Institut für theoretische Physik der Universität Zürich. Damals war mit Walter Heitler (1904 – 1981) eine der führenden Persönlichkeiten der europäischen Physik an der Universität Zürich tätig, die viele Physiker aus ganz Europa nach Zürich zog, so auch Günther Rasche und Wolfgang Jaus, die beide nach einem Studienbeginn in Deutschland unter Heitlers Einfluss nach Zürich wechselten. Zwischen Günther Rasche und Wolfgang Jaus entwickelte sich eine enge Zusammenarbeit, daraus entstanden auch einige wichtige und heute noch gültige Publikationen der theoretischen Elementarteilchen-Physik. Im Rückblick auf ihre Aktivitäten am Institut für theoretische Physik, heute Teil des Physik-Instituts der Universität stehen Günther Rasche und Wolfgang Jaus für den Übergang einer früheren Epoche der kleinen, sehr personenbezogenen Gruppen zu den grösseren, oft länderübergreifenden Kollaborationen in der theoretischen Physik von heute.

  • Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs

    In a recent publication, a collaboration led by Jia-Xin Yin of SUST and including the group of T. Neupert at UZH, report the detection of chiral superconducting gap modulations with residual Fermi arcs in KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5 kagome materials using scanning tunneling experiments at ultra-low temperatures. The authors find a U-shaped superconducting gap with chiral 2a × 2a spatial modulations. Furthermore, quasiparticle interference measurements uncovered segmented Fermi arcs within the superconducting state. These findings suggest that the superconducting order has a chiral pair-density-wave component, offering insights into the interplay of superconductivity and charge-density-wave order in these materials. The results are published in Nature 632, pages 775–781 (2024).

  • Ausstellung UzhN/EARTH

    UzhN/EARTH Kunst und Wissenschaft 1600 Meter unter Tage: Ausstellung im Science Pavilion UZH

    Die Ausstellung UZHN/EARTH verknüpft Wissenschaft und Kunst, geschaffen 1600 Meter unter Tage. Die Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota, USA, beherbergt Experimente, die uns ein besseres Verständnis des Universums erlauben. Die Experimente finden tief unter der Erde statt, um den Einfluss von kosmischer Höhenstrahlung zu minimieren. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Forschung über Dunkle Materie und entdecken Sie die inspirierenden Werke von Prof. Gina Gibson.

  • XENONnT misst Signale von Sonnen-Neutrinos

    Auf der IDM-Konferenz in L'Aquila (Italien) hat die XENON-Kollaboration heute bekanntgegeben, erstmals Neutrinos aus von der Sonne mittels Kernrückstoss-Signalen gemessen zu haben. Die nachgewiesenen Neutrinos werden im Sonneninneren bei Kernzerfällen des Isotops Bor-8 erzeugt. Wenn sie mit den Atomkernen des XENONnT Detektors zusammenstossen, entstehen niederenergetische Kernrückstösse.
    UZH Professorin Laura Baudis ist mit ihrer Gruppe mit entscheidenden Beiträgen zum Detektor und zu der Analyse am XENONnT Experiment beteiligt.


  • Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo

    Congratulations to Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo

    for winning the CHIPP prize 2024 for the best PhD thesis on Advancing Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Search with LEGEND and MONUMENT, and Exploring Passive Neutrino Detectors with PALEOCCENE 

  • Observation of J/ψ decaying to four muons

    CMS publication of  the first observation of  J/ψ decaying to four muons  in PRD  with a significant contribution of the UZH CMS group

  • Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB₂ sensors

    New publication on single-photon detection in magnesium diboride quantum sensors operating at 20 K by Ilya Charaev and in Nature Communications

  • Dunkle Materie unter dunklen Tannen

    Die Uni Zürich ist jetzt dank Neuzugang Björn Penning Mitglied bei einem abenteuerlichen Dunkle-Materie-Experiment.

    Tief unter den Black Hills in den USA suchen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler mit einem hochempfindlichen Detektor nach Dunkler Materie. Mit dabei ist seit Anfang des Jahres auch die Universität Zürich durch den Neuzugang Björn Penning. Damit ist Zürich an beiden führenden Dunkle-Materie-Experimenten beteiligt, und die Zukunft ist auch schon in Planung...

    Unter diesen Hügeln laufen mehrere Teilchenphysik-Experimente, die den Geheimnissen der dunklen Materie und der Neutrinos auf die Spur kommen sollen:

  • Beate Heinemann

    UZH awarded the honory doctorat to Prof. Dr. Beate Heinemann of the University of Hamburg and the DESY research center for her pioneering role in exploring new phenomena and planning particle accelerators. 

  • A novel quantum state in an elemental solid

    In collaboration with experimental researchers from Princeton University, the group of Titus Neupert unveiled a new topological state of an elemental arsenic. The work shows that arsenic is a “hybrid” topological material. As such, the 3D semiconductor has special conducting topological states on its surface, as well as a separate set of such states on the hinges of the crystal. Such states are envisioned to carry current at lowest dissipation in future electronic devices.

    Based on the findings of this study, arsenic joins in a family of isostructural elements bismuth and antimony, which, respectively, support hinge and surface states only. The results are published in Nature 628, pages 527–533 (2024) (

  • Quantum transport response of topological hinge modes

    Experimentalists from Princeton University, in collaboration with Titus Neupert, have found evidence for quantum coherent transport along the crystal hinges of a topological quantum material. The material in question is bismuth bromide, a so-called higher-order topological insulator. The theory group of Titus Neupert had predicted the existence of such materials in 2017, with various proposed material systems probed with different experimental techniques over the past years. The common feature of such higher-order topological insulators are conducting channels on the crystal hinges which are carrying current free of dissipation. As such, they could be used in future electronics.

    The present experiment, for the first time, demonstrates quantum coherent transport through such hinge modes, by demonstrating so-called Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the conductivity in a magnetic field. While the experiment does not prove the dissipationless nature of current flow, it demonstrates that the current is clearly concentrated at the crystal hinges.

    Quantum transport response of topological hinge modes
    S. Hossain et al., Nature Physics (2024)

  • SHiP experiment approved

    Just over ten years after its initial proposal, the SHiP experiment has been approved by the CERN management to start data taking in the next decade! The SHiP experiment is designed to search for extremely weakly interacting particles by using an incredibly intense beam of protons available at the LHC.

    The experiment was co-founded by Prof. Nicola Serra and was supported by an SNF-Starting grant in the design phase, where Martina Ferrillo (left) and Dr. Iaroslava Bezshyiko (right) made vital contributions. The approval of the CERN management moves the experiment into the finalization of the design and construction phase – what an exciting time to be part of the experiment!


  • Lidia del Rio

    Welcome Dr. Lídia del Rio

    As of March 1, 2024, Lidia del Rio joins the Department of Physics as an independent PI, the Essentia Foundation Research Fellow for Quantum Information Theory, funded by the Stichting Essentia Foundation. Dr. del Rio’s research interests are on quantum information theory and foundations of physics. Furthermore she will be invested in outreach and science communication projects at UZH and beyond.

  • Welcome Dr. Chiara Capelli

    As of March 1, 2024, Dr. Chiara Capelli joins the Department of Physics as an Ambizione Fellow in the group of Laura Baudis. She will work on optical measurements and weak decays searches with liquid xenon detectors.

  • Weak signals can be extracted by neural network denoising

    A recent publication in Nature Machine Learning by the groups Neupert, Natterer and Chang shows how weak signals can be extracted by neural network denoising

  • Green light for LISA

    The LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) mission to investigate gravitational waves in space has successfully completed the preliminary studies and testing phase. This ESA project has thus  reached a major milestone: it has passed the stage of intensive testing by experts in the Mission Adoption Review process.

  • 2023 Buchalter Cosmology Prize for Davide Racco

    The work “Footprints of the QCD Crossover on Cosmological Gravitational Waves at Pulsar Timing Arrays”, by Dr. Davide Racco and his collaborators Dr. Gabriele Franciolini and Fabrizio Rompineve, has been awarded with the third prize of the Buchalter Cosmology Prize.


  • Welcome Prof. Marcelle Soares-Santos

    Prof. Marcelle Soares-Santos will work  in observational cosmology with cosmic surveys and gravitational waves

  • Welcome Prof. Bjoern Penning

    Prof.  Bjoern Penning will work on Dark Matter searches with the LZ experiment

  • Vacuum cleaving of superconducting niobium tips

    The first 1st-author publication of Carolina Marques (group Natterer) describes vacuum cleaving of superconducting niobium tips to optimize noise filtering and with adjustable gap size for scanning tunneling microscopy.

  • Group Bzdušek: Spectra of hyperbolic lattices from supercells

    In their latest PRL work, the Bzdušek group formulates a novel method for efficient modelling of hyperbolic lattices. Simultaneously, two associated software packages have been publicly released to make the technique accessible to the broader community.

  • Wtt production

    Group Grazzini: Wtt production paper

    Congratulations: The paper on Wtt production has been published on PRL as Editors’ suggestion!

    The production of a top-antitop quark pair in association with a W boson (t¯tW) is one of the heaviest signatures currently probed at the Large Hadron Collider. Since the first observation reported in 2015, the corresponding rates have been found to be consistently higher than the standard model predictions, which are based on next-to-leading order calculations in the QCD and electroweak interactions. The paper present the first next-to-next-to-leading order QCD computation of t¯tW production at hadron colliders.

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