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Institut für Computerlinguistik

11.12. Colloqium Talk by Manfred Stede (University of Potsdam) on Argumentation Mining

In the CL colloquium , Manfred Stede from the University of Potsdam is going give a
talk with the title:

The Potsdam argumentative microtext corpus: Classification experiments and new extensions

The colloquium is open to everyone. Please feel free to join the talk.

where: BIN-1-B.01
when: 11. December 2018, 10.15 a.m. - 11.15 a.m


Argumentative „microtexts“ are short texts produced by students in response to a trigger question that invites taking a stance and providing arguments in support of that stance. Our original corpus of 115 texts of this kind, collected in a classroom setting, was published in 2015, together with annotations of the underlying argumentation structure.  In the talk, I first describe our experiments on automatically classifying those structures, which make use of the minimum-spanning tree algorithm, and of Integer Linear Programming.  Then I turn to various recent extensions made to the corpus: New annotation layers that allow for computing correlations with properties of argumentation structure, as well as an extension of the overall data set by 200 new texts that were obtained via crowdsourcing. I will summarize our experiences with this approach to text production and explain the extra steps needed to make the crowdsourced data compatible to the original corpus.
