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Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung

Neue IKMZ Mitarbeiterinnen im FS 20


Silke Fürst

Silke Fürst joined the IKMZ in November 2019 as a research assistant in the Division of Science Communication. She is working in a SNF-funded project on the public communication of higher education institutions in Switzerland led by Professor Mike Schäfer and Daniel Vogler. Silke Fürst is the journal manager of the open access journal SComS as well as co-chair of the journalism studies division of the SACM. She studied communication science, contemporary history and German studies at the University of Münster in Germany and worked as research assistant at the IfK Münster in a research project on the new governance and mediatization of German higher education institutions. From 2012 to 2019, Silke Fürst was research and teaching assistant at the Department of Communication and Media Research DCM, University of Fribourg. Her research focuses on science communication, journalism, discourses about audiences, communication theory, media ethics and media history.

We warmly welcome Silke Fürst as new member of the IKMZ team!




Isabel Sörensen

Since mid-November 2019, Isabel Sörensen is working at IKMZ as a Research Assistant and PhD Student within the Division of Science Communication. Isabel will be working in the Team of Prof Dr Mike Schäfer as part of the SNF-funded project on the status quo and development of communication of higher education institutions in Switzerland. Her main research interests are the use and effects of new communication technologies within research universities, colleges of education and universities of applied sciences. Isabel holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from Zurich University of Applied Sciences, she has completed the Geneva International Students Programme at the University of Geneva and obtained a BSc in Communication Sciences from Università della Svizzera italiana. Previously, Isabel worked as a private sector consultant specialized in management of science communication in EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects and as an NGO associate at the UN.

We warmly welcome Isabel Sörensen as new member of the IKMZ team!




Nina Gehrig

Nina Gehrig ist seit dem 17. Februar 2020 in der Studienberatung tätig. Zu ihren Aufgaben gehören die Beratung der Studierenden, die Organisation von Anlässen sowie die Überarbeitung von Dokumentationen.

Wir heissen Nina Gehrig herzlich willkommen am IKMZ!





Pinar Tidin-Alpan

Pinar Tidin-Alpan ist seit dem 1. März 2020 in der Verwaltung tätig. Sie unterstützt das Verwaltungsteam in den Bereichen Finanzen, Personal und allgemeine Administration.

Wir heissen Pinar Tidin-Alpan herzlich willkommen am IKMZ!