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Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung

IKMZ People: New Members and New Positions

New People



Florian Saurwein

Florian Saurwein joined the IKMZ Media & Internet Governance division in January 2023 as a senior research and teaching associate. Together with Natascha Just and Sedef Biçer he conducts the  “CAll for Regulation Support In Social MediA” (CARISMA) project funded by the SNF Sinergia program.

We warmly welcome Florian Saurwein as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Maud Reveilhac

Maud Reveilhac earned a Bachelor in Political Science and a Master in Survey Methodology and Public Opinion. She also holds a PhD thesis in social sciences from the University of Lausanne. She is currently post-doc at the Department of Communication and Media Research in Zurich University. In her work, Maud focuses on (social) media effects on political behaviour and public opinion. She is particularly interested in the development and challenges of new technology for conducting social and communication research, most notably in the complementarity of social media data with traditional media and opinion survey data.

We warmly welcome Maud Reveilhac as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Giulia Frascaria

Giulia Frascaria has been working as a doctoral student within the Digital Society Initiative, and joined the Media Change and Innovation division since February 2023. Together with prof. Michael Latzer, she will research cyborgization and the Internet of Bodies as indicators of religion-like digitalization. She completed a MA in Literature, Culture and Society in the University of Amsterdam, and a MSc in Computer Science in Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, where she also worked as research and teaching assistant.

We warmly welcome Giulia Frascaria as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Ernesto De Leon

Ernesto de Leon is a PhD candidate in political communication at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bern, Switzerland. His research focuses on political information flows in a digital age and its effects on political attitudes. Specifically, his dissertation centers on media consumption and effects during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, documenting how news exposure can affect political attitudes crucial in the study of public opinion. To conduct his research, Ernesto makes use of quantitative and computational methodologies to explore web behaviour and social media use, as well as to conduct large-scale automated content analyses through text-as-data approaches. You can find a complete list of Ernesto's publications on his personal website.
In his last study, Ernesto researched the displacement effects that the COVID-19 pandemic had on the highly salient issue of migration in Switzerland and Germany, asking 'for whom are issues displaced during a moment of crisis?' and, perhaps more importantly, 'for whom do they survive?'

We warmly welcome Ernesto de Leon as a new member of the IKMZ team!


New Positions



Quirin Ryffel

Quirin Ryffel started his new position as a research assistant in Prof. Dr. Thomas Zerback’s Political Communication division in February where he has already been employed as a student research assistant since May 2022. In his PhD project, he will be investigating the antecedents and effects of exposure to diverse political viewpoints from a citizen’s perspective in Spain, Switzerland, and the United States in the context of climate change mitigation and immigration together with Thomas Zerback.
Quirin holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication Science and Media Research with a minor in Political Science and a specialized master’s degree in Political Communication & Governance, both from the University of Zurich. During his BA and MA studies, he has already worked as a tutor as well as a student research assistant in different divisions of the IKMZ. Before joining the Political Communication division, he was employed as a student research assistant at the Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society of the University of Zurich between 2020 and 2022, where he was mainly involved in a subproject of the National Research Programme “Digital Transformation” (NRP 77) on the importance of journalism for the mobile information behavior of young adults. Quirin's research interests include attitudinal and behavioral effects of political communication, media diversity, and political viewpoint diversity exposure.