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Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung

IKMZ hosted the Korean Committee on the Impact of Media Concentration

Natascha Just and the Media & Internet Governance division hosted the Korean "Committee on the Impact of Media Concentration" at IKMZ from October 23rd to 27th, 2023. The Committee, chaired by Prof. Sugmin Youn from Seoul National University, specializes in research on media pluralism and public-opinion concentration in South Korea, offering valuable insights for policy discussions and recommendations.
During their visit at IKMZ, the Committee engaged in fruitful discussions about the future of media-concentration control with a group of distinguished experts.
Notable highlights from these discussions included: Prof. Natascha Just (UZH) and Alena Birrer, MA (UZH) shared findings from their cross-national study on media-concentration control in times of platformization; Dr. Daniel Vogler (UZH) and Dr. Linards Udris (UZH) presented their work on media concentration and media diversity at the fög, especially in the context of the Yearbook Quality of Media; Prof. Manuel Puppis (University of Fribourg) shed light on ongoing initiatives of the Swiss Federal Media Commission (EMEK) on media subsidies and service public; Prof. Gabriele Balbi and Petra Mazzoni, MA (Università della Svizzera Italiana) provided insights into the Global Media & Internet Concentration Project, a collaborative effort involving experts from 40 countries to assess and comprehend media concentration worldwide; Prof. Josef Trappel (University of Salzburg) introduced the Euromedia Ownership Monitor, a project co-funded by the European Commission aimed at enhancing transparency of news media ownership and control; and Dr. Samuel Studer (Director of the Media Research Group at the Federal Office of Communications) discussed the research commissioned by BAKOM on media diversity/plurality, including the Medienmonitor Switzerland and work on platform governance.