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Romanisches Seminar

Andre Masseno

Andre Masseno

  • Postdoc en Estudios Literarios y Culturales Latinoamericanos y Brasileños (Prof. Dr. Adriana López-Labourdette) - Proyecto: «Estéticas subterráneas: materialidades y experimentaciones en América Latina»
+41 (0)44 634 35 41

Estéticas subterráneas: materialidades y experimentaciones en América Latina

The research focuses on literary and artistic-visual works produced in Latin America since the 1960s, in order to develop the concept of subterranean aesthetics as an analytical and critical category. Such concept unfolds from literary-visual materialities resulting from a critical position developed by some Latin American writers and artists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Cuba in the face of the material culture of their time. It aims to demonstrate how these agents, interested in an expanded language based on written, performative and vocal-visual experimentations, produce literary and artistic materialities through dissident and dissensual processes of representation and circulation, as well as critical and parodistic assimilation of certain hegemonic sociocultural apparatuses.
The project focuses on a critical analysis of the writings of Reinaldo Arenas, Roberta Camila Salgado, Diamela Eltit, Manuel Puig, Severo Sarduy, Raúl Zurita, and the poetic collective Nuvem Cigana. As for written or vocal visual productions, the research analyzes the works of Rodrigo Braga, Mirtha Dermisache, Carlos Leppe, and Hélio Oiticica. Each literary and visual production is examined through its media, historical, and geopolitical settings.

Profile: Since spring 2024 I am Oberassistent to the Chair of Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies, linked to the Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Zurich, where I obtained my PhD in Portuguese Literature and held the position of assistant and lecturer in Brazilian and Latin American Literature (2014-2020). I hold a Master's degree in Brazilian Literature from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. I am a member of the editorial board of the journal "Língua-lugar: Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais" (University of Geneva). I have co-edited the publications "Antropofagias: um livro manifesto!: práticas de devoração a partir de Oswald de Andrade" (Peter Lang, 2021), "Bioescritas/Biopoéticas: corpo, memória e arquivos" (Sulina, 2017), among others. I was part of the curatorial team of the podcast series "arteriaLA: Art and Materialisms in Latin America", which was supported by the Latin American Center Zurich (New Research Formats Grant 2021). In 2022 I launched the monographic book "A trama tropical: capítulos da (contra)cultura brasileira". My research is based on an interdisciplinary metodology that links literature, history, art, and culture.