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Romanisches Seminar


Kabatek, Johannes. 2023. "Discourse Traditions and the historicity of language: discourse traditional knowledge and discourse universes" in: E. Winter-Froemel/A. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta (eds.), Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 103-122.


Wall, Albert. 2022. Rezension von: Egetenmeyer, Jakob (2019) Der Verbalanschluss im Spanischen. Kognitiv-syntaktische Analyse nominaler und satzwertiger Akkusativobjekte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Romanistische Forschungen 134, 79-86.

Kabatek, Johannes & López Serena, Araceli. 2022. “Sintaxis histórica del español y tradiciones discursivas”. In Concepción Company Company (ed.): Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española, México: UNAM.

Kabatek, Johannes & Wall, Albert. 2022. “Introduction: The state of the art in Brazilian Portuguese linguistics”. In Johannes Kabatek, Albert Wall (eds.): Manual of Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics, Berlin: De Gruyter.

Santos Rebelo, Patrick. 2022. O verbo ter existencial no português europeu continental. Triangulação de métodos para a análise duma estrutura não padrão. Masterarbeit. Universität Zürich.

Wall, Albert. 2022. Number-neutral indefinite objects in Brazilian Portuguese as a case of semantic incorporation. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 21, 1-29.


Kabatek, Johannes, Obrist, Philipp & Wall, Albert. 2021. Differential Object Marking in Romance: The third wave, Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.

Kabatek, Johannes, Obrist, Philipp & Wall, Albert. 2021. "The third wave of studies on DOM in Romance. An introduction to this volume". In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist and Albert Wall (eds.): Differential Object Marking in Romance: The third wave, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 3-19.

Wall, Albert & Obrist, Philipp. 2021. “Multilingualism effects in an elicitation study on Differential Object Marking in Cusco (Peru) and Misiones (Argentina)”. In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist and Albert Wall (eds.): Differential Object Marking in Romance: The third wave, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 139–172.

Zeugin, Senta. 2021. "DOM in Modern Catalan varieties: An empirical study based on acceptability judgment tasks". In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist and Albert Wall (eds.): Differential Object Marking in Romance: The third wave, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 279–314.


Obrist, Philipp. 2020. Rezension von: Egetenmeyer, Jakob (2019) Der Verbalanschluss im Spanischen. Kognitiv-syntaktische Analyse nominaler und satzwertiger Akkusativobjekte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Vox Romanica 79(1), 403–410.

Santos Rebelo, Patrick. 2020. Anstieg und Rückgang der Differentiellen Objektmarkierung im Portugiesischen. Bachelorarbeit. Universität Zürich.

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