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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge and Error

On Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 18:15 - 20:00, Prof. Arindam Chakrabarti will hold a lecture on "Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge and Error".

The lecture will take place in KO2 F-152, Universität Zürich Zentrum, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, 8006 Zürich.

Arindam Chakrabarti currently is Research Professor at the National Institute of Advanced Study in Bangalore and a tenured Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i. Professor Chakrabarti received his doctorate from Oxford University, England in 1982. From 1983 to 1988 he was a Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Calcutta, India. Between 1988 and 1992 he held the Spalding Visiting Fellowship at Wolfson College, Oxford, a Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Study at Edinburgh, Jacobsen Fellowship and tutorship at University College London and a Visiting Assistant Professorship at the University of Washington, Seattle. After being trained as an analytic philosopher of language at Oxford, Professor Chakrabarti has spent several years receiving traditional training in Indian logic (Navya Nyaya) and metaphysics which made him fluent in Sanskrit. Before coming to Hawaii in 1997, he was a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Delhi, India. Professor Chakrabarti has edited or authored four books: Knowing from Words (with Bimal Matilal, 1993), Epistemology, Meaning and Metaphysics after Matilal (1996), Denying Existence (1997), Universals, Concepts, and Qualities (with Peter Strawson, 2006), and has published numerous articles and reviews in journals such as the Journal of Indian Philosophy, the Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Idealistic Studies, Mind, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, and Philosophy East and West. He has also published in Bengali as well as a monograph in Sanskrit. He is the editor of the forthcoming Blackwell Source Book of Indian Philosophy (with Vrinda Dalmiya, 2010) and Apoha Semantics and Human Cognition (with Mark Siderits and Tom Tillmans, 2010).


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