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App UZH now

Release 4.3

Edit your Schedule, extended Mensa Menus and Print Plus!

These are the new features and improvements of the version 4.3 of UZH now:

  • Edit your schedule: Entries in your schedule can now be edited and hidden (e.g. for multiple seminars per module). Of course, all hidden entries can be shown again individually or as a series.

  • The cafeteria and café menus are now displayed for several days if available.
  • Student course evaluations: In the booked modules, you can directly access the relevant course or module evaluations. 
  • Print Plus credit: Students and staff with a Print Plus account can see their credit (can be hidden in the settings). 
  • Improvements to news articles and general improvements in the location and time-specific display of information on the dashboard. 
  • Login: Change to Microsoft Login, as it is also used for Outlook and Teams. 


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