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Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Piet Van den Bossche, 18. Oktober 2023

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Öffentlicher Gastvortrag, Prof. Dr. Piet Van den Bossche


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18. Oktober 2023, 16.15 Uhr bis 17.45 Uhr

Referent: Prof. Dr. Piet van den Bossche

University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor 'Learning in Organisations' and
University of Maastricht, School of Business & Economics, Professor 'Team Learning'

Taking time seriously in studying professional (team) learning

Confronted with an operational environment that is increasingly complex and ever-changing, professionals – and the teams they work in – do not only need to be proficient in routine aspects of their work, but – foremost – they need the metacognitive skills to engage in continuous learning to adapt to changes and create new ways of working. This also challenges researchers. If we want to understand how people, teams and organizations develop, learn and grow, we need to incorporate a time-element in our research. This raises a different type of substantive and methodological questions.

This presentation aims to exemplify such a temporal research strategy drawing on two research projects. The first project focuses on self-regulated learning of medical specialists. The second research project considers the learning of professional teams. I will show how this research has the potential to understand how professionals learn to deal with change. At the same time, this presentation aims to showcase some of the methodological consequences if one wants to take the dynamics of change and learning seriously.

Flyer Gastvortrag Piet Van den Bossche (PDF, 115 KB)

Nächster Gastvortrag: 15. November 2023, 16.15 Uhr bis 17.45 Uhr

Referent: Prof. Dr. Elmar Souvignier

Universität Münster, Professur für Diagnostik und Evaluation im schulischen Kontext

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