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UZH for Students

Attestation of Equivalence

Equivalency of licentiate/diploma and Master's Degree

According to Article 14 of the ordinance of the University Council on the coordination of teaching at Swiss universities, licentiates and corresponding diplomas from a Swiss university are equivalent to a master's degree. Equivalency will be certified upon request.

Academic Degrees

Holders of a Licentiate degree or a Diploma of the University of Zurich may use one of the following titles; no attestation is required.

Name of the Master's Degree
Corresponding Former Degrees (in original language)

Master of Theology UZH

Lizentiat Theologie
lic. theol.

Master of Law UZH

Lizentiat Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, lic. iur.

Master of Arts UZH

Lizentiate der Philosophischen Fakultät, der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (except Wirtschaftsinformatik)  sowie Theologischen Fakultät (Religionswissenschaft)
lic. phil., lic. oec. publ., lic. sc. rel.

Master of Science UZH

Lizentiate der Philosophischen Fakultät mit Hauptfach "Psychologie", lic. phil.

Diplome der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, dipl. math., dipl. phys., dipl. geogr., dipl. anthropol., dipl. zool. etc.

Diplom der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Informatik), dipl. inform.

Lizentiat der Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Richtung Wirtschaftsinformatik), dipl. oec. publ.

Master of Medicine UZH

Staatsexamen Humanmedizin,
eidg. dipl. med.

Master of Dental Medicine UZH
M Dent Med UZH

Staatsexamen in Zahnmedizin,
eidg. dipl. med. dent.

Master of Veterinary Medicine UZH
M Vet Med UZH

Staatsexamen in Veterinärmedizin,
eidg. dipl. med. vet.

How to Obtain an Attestation of Equivalence

UZH only issues attestations of equivalence for Licentiates and Diplomas that were earned at the University of Zurich. The attestation is available in German and English; the cost is CHF 50.00 per language.

To obtain an attestation, send the completed request form (PDF form at the bottom of the footer can be filled in electronically in Acrobat Reader) together with a copy of your Licentiate/Diploma and a copy of your passport or ID (both pages) to the following address:

Universität Zürich
Abteilung Studierende
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich

Or send an e-mail with the subject line Attestation of Equivalence to:

You will receive the attestation 2-4 weeks after the degrees office receives your request. The invoice will be sent to you separate by mail.

Weiterführende Informationen

Request for an Attestation of Equivalence Licentiate/Diploma to a Master's Degree
