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UZH for Students

New at UZH?

  • Studierende an der Universität Zürich


    Welcome to the largest university in Switzerland! We’re delighted you’ve chosen UZH.

  • Person mit verschiedenen Pfeilen auf dem Boden vor sich

    Finding Your Way Around

    How do I find my lecture hall? When and how can I gain access to buildings? How do I get from one site to another?

  • Nhi und Patrick geben Tipps

    Tips for Uni Life

    When you study at UZH you acquire knowledge in your subject area. But studying is much more than that! We asked students for their tips and learning habits.

  • Visual Module Booking

    Booking Modules: A How-To Guide

    What is a module? How and when do I book modules? And how can I change my modules?

  • Visual Erstsemestrigentage: "Ready for Take-Off"

    Welcome Days for New Students

    In the week before the start of the fall semester, the Welcome Days for new UZH students take place.

Finding Your Way Around

How do I find my lecture hall? When and how can I gain access to buildings? How do I get from one site to another?
Finding Your Way Around

Tips for Uni Life

When you study at UZH you acquire knowledge in your subject area. But studying is much more than that! We asked students for their tips and learning habits.
Tips for Uni Life

Booking Modules: A How-To Guide

What is a module? How and when do I book modules? And how can I change my modules?
Booking Modules: A How-To Guide

Welcome Days for New Students

In the week before the start of the fall semester, the Welcome Days for new UZH students take place.
Welcome Days
