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Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden

Representation of the World's Flora

The University of Zurich's Botanical Garden is managed by the Department of Systematic Botany and serves to advance research and teaching, to educate the general public – and is a beautiful spot for relaxation. The Garden’s major goal is to provide a systematic representation of the world's flora. At present, some 8,000 different kinds of plants can be found on the grounds. The new Botanical Garden was built in 1976; the old Botanical Garden at Schanzengraben is still maintained as a public park.

Opening Hours

March to September

Monday – Friday: 7:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday / Sunday: 8:00am – 6:00pm

Oktober to February

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday / Sunday: 8:00am – 5:00pm

Tropical Houses

Daily 9:30am – 4:45pm
Free Entry.


University of Zurich
Botanical Garden
Zollikerstrasse 107
8008 Zurich
Phone + 41 44 634 84 61

Google Map

Current Events and Exhibitions

  • Tue, 10.12.
    12:30 Uhr
    10.12.2024, 12:30: Der Zauber der Masai Mara - Eröffnung der Fotoausstellung
  • Thu, 19.12.
    18:00 Uhr
    19.12.2024, 18:00: Weihnachtsgewürze und ihre Pflanzen
  • Tue, 7.1.
    12:30 Uhr
    7.1.2025, 12:30: Ein neues Gartenjahr beginnt - Rückblick 2024 und Ausblick auf 2025
  • Tue, 21.1.
    12:30 Uhr
    21.1.2025, 12:30: Karnivoren im Botanischen Garten im Aussen- und Innenbereich
  • Thu, 23.1.
    12:30 Uhr
    23.1.2025, 12:30: Wertvolle Vielfalt – Was die Tropen für uns leisten