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Department of Economics

News and Media 2011

- December 2011 -

Press Releases

"Vier Gründe, die gegen Leistungslöhne sprechen"- Bruno S. Frey
Handelszeitung_22.12.2011 (PDF, 619 KB)

"Für mich...und für dich"- Gabi Schwegler

- November 2011 -

Press Releases

Fabrizio Zilibotti zum Thema "Sichere Pension für Chinas Alte"
Finanz und Wirtschaft_26.11.2011 (PDF, 317 KB)

Armin Schmutzler has been elected member of the Swiss Competition Commission (WEKO).
The protection of competition is an important regulatory task in a market economy. In Switzerland, this task is primarily performed using the instruments provided by the Act on Cartels. The application of the Act is the duty of the Competition Commission and its Secretariat. The Competition Commission is an independent federal authority. The tasks of the Competition Commission are combating harmful cartels, monitoring dominant companies for signs of anti-competitive conduct, enforcing merger control legislation and preventing the imposition of restraints of competition by the state. We congratulate Armin Schmutzler on his election.

Fabrizio Zilibotti has been elected Fellow of the Econometric Society.
The Econometric Society is an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics. Fellows represent the highest authority of the Society, electing its Officers, Council, and new Fellows in annual elections. Together with Ernst Fehr (elected Fellow 2010), Felix Kübler (elected Fellow 2008), and Jean-Charles Rochet (elected Fellow 1995), the University of Zurich is now represented by 4 Fellows in the Society. We congratulate Fabrizio Zilibotti on his election, which constitutes a significant recognition of his original contributions to economics.

Sternstunde Philosophie: Ökonomie contra Philosophie
In einem kontroversen Gespräch diskutieren der Ökonom Ernst Fehr und der Philosoph Richard David Precht darüber, welche Disziplin heute Antworten für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft liefern kann.
Sendung vom 13.11.2011 GDI Impuls Nr. 4 2011 (PDF, 1.31 MB)

"Wer die Zukunft verbessern will, darf kein Träumer sein" - Interview mit Ernst Fehr
Migros Magazin 7.11.2011 (PDF, 1.63 MB)

- October 2011 -

Press Releases

Living on credit - Debt at any price? - Campus DOKU, BR-alpha - October 31, 2011
Debts are part of our everyday life and completely normal - for individuals as well as nations. 38 percent of all Germans have already taken out at least one loan.

Searching for costs in the brain - October 16, 2011 – funded by the Hertie Foundation and the German Neuroscience Society in cooperation with the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Researchers in the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich have their own neuroscience laboratory where they are investigating the mechanisms of human decisions. A look behind the scenes.

"Ein Europa ohne Euro und EU?" - Neue Zürcher Zeitung (von Bruno S. Frey)

"Vertrauen lohnt sich trotz Risiko" - Der Sonntag
Sonntag_16.10.2011 (PDF, 691 KB)

Ernst Fehr: Der Mann, der die Ökonomie aus den Angeln hebt

Portrait über Ernst Fehr im Wirtschaftsmagazin Eco des Schweizer Fernsehen (Sendung vom 10.10.2011).
"Der Mensch ist egoistisch und rational: So steht es seit Hunderten von Jahren in den Wirtschaftsbüchern. Völlig falsch, sagt der Zürcher Wirtschaftsprofessor Ernst Fehr. Er hat nachgewiesen, dass Solidarität und Fairness eine grosse Rolle spielen, wenn Wirtschaftssubjekte auf dem Markt agieren. Anfangs für seine Forschung belächelt, kann Fehr es sich heute leisten, Angebote von amerikanischen Top-Universitäten abzulehnen."
SF Videoportal

- September 2011 -

University of Zurich leads the ranking of the top journal publications

The professors of economics at the University of Zurich have once again attained excellent ratings in the new version of the economics rankings of the German newspaper Handelsblatt. The average research level per professor, measured on the number of publications, is highest in Zurich, followed by Mannheim and Bonn. Not only the simple number of publications is applicable for the ranking, however; publications in qualitively superior journals are weighted more strongly, which is necessary due to the large number of journals in the field.
The University of Zurich leads the faculty rankings measured on the number of publications in the most important journals (top journals A+). A number of professors from the Department of Economics are thus found under the top 20 for their life's work; these are Ernst Fehr, Bruno S. Frey, Jacob Goeree, and Fabrizio Zilibotti, all of whom also attained excellent results in the ranking of their current research performance. Young professors such as Björn Bartling and Nick Netzer – whose research strength shows great potential – are also found among the top 30 researchers.
In addition to the research output per professor, the number of professors is also relevant for the research strength of a faculty. The University of Zurich, with 20 economics professors, belongs to the four largest faculties in the German language area. Other faculties, however, show large growth rates – this added to their already significant present size. For example, the number of professors with an unlimited period of employment grew from 23 to 28 within one year at the University of Mannheim, which leads the Handelsblatt ranking for the first time this year. Further financial resources will be necessary in order to keep up with the top group. The Department of Economics has thus set the goal of creating up to ten new professorships in the next five years. This will be made possible with the acquisition of external funding and with the newly established Excellence Foundation Zurich for Economic and Social Research.

Excellence Foundation Zurich for Economic and Social Research

The Excellence Foundation Zurich for Economic and Social Research was established in June 2011. The independent foundation is closely allied with the Department of Economics. Its objective is to enable socially relevant economic research at a high level at the University of Zurich, and thus to provide a decisive contribution to the solution of globally important questions. Philip L. Kramer is the new director of the foundation. Thomas Gschwind, responsible for events, and Maura Wyler, head of communications, also belong to the team. Additional information will follow soon.

Jacob Goeree new President Elect of the ESA

At the International meetings of the Economic Science Association (ESA) in Chicago (July, 2011) it was announced that Jacob Goeree is the new President Elect of the ESA.

Honorary doctorate for Bruno S. Frey

Bruno Frey has received an honorary doctorate from the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria). The department wishes to congratulate him on this honor!

Press Releases

"Im Hirn des "Homo oeconomicus"" - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
FAZ_12.09.2011 (PDF, 432 KB)
"Geld für die Ökonomie" - Swiss Equity Magazin
SEM_16.09.2011 (PDF, 76 KB)

- August 2011 -

Department of Economics an der Scientifica 2011

Unter der Leitung von Philippe Tobler und Todd Hare präsentierte sich das Department mit dem Projekt "Eine Energie für Körper und Geist?" an der Scientifica. An diesem Stand konnten sich die Besucher über den Verbrauch von Energie beim Denken und damit zusammenhängenden Forschungsfragen informieren: Ist dies dieselbe Energie, die auch körperliche Anstrengungen erfordern? Treffen wir andere Entscheidungen, wenn wir eine geistige oder eine körperliche Anstrengung hinter uns haben?
Unter den Blicken von Regierungsrätin Regine Aeppli testet der Rektor der Universität Zürich, Prof. Andreas Fischer, wieviel Energie körperliche und geistige Anstrengungen benötigen. Quelle: Frank Brüderli, Universität Zürich / ETH Zürich

Press Releases

"Was kommt nach EU und Euro?" - Bruno S. Frey
FAZ_29.08.2011 (PDF, 734 KB)
"Universität Zürich: In einer Liga mit Harvard" - Marc Kowalsky
Bilanz - Das Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin

"Uni Zürich soll mit Harvard mithalten" - noo
Blick am Abend_26.08.2011 (PDF, 90 KB)
"Wir sind das Rückgrat der Schweizer Wirtschaft" - Benno Tuchschmid
Aargauer Zeitung

"Was soll ein Franken kosten?" - Hannes Grassegger
Tages Anzeiger

- July 2011 -

Press Releases

"Thirst for Fairness May Have Helped Us Survive" - Natalie Angier
The New York Times / International Harald Tribune

"Glückliche Demokraten - Interview mit Bruno S. Frey" - Rolf App
St. Galler Tagblatt

- June 2011 -

Press Releases

"Nur die wahre operative Leistung zählt" - Franz SchneiderFinanz und Wirtschaft_2011_06_15 (PDF, 388 KB) 
"Geförderte Kinder bringen hohe Rendite" - Elisabeth Rizzi
20 Minuten_2011_06_09 (PDF, 404 KB)

Econ Information Brochure

The new Econ information brochure is now available for downloading.Econ Information Brochure (PDF, 1.74 MB)

- May 2011 -

Press Releases

"So viel Rendite bringt ein Kind" - Irène DietschiNZZ_2011_05_22 (PDF, 55 KB)
"Es gibt das Gute durchaus - Neuroökonome Christian Ruff über die biologische Grundlage unseres Entscheidungsverhaltens" - Marco Metzler
NZZ_2011_05_23 (PDF, 286 KB)

First Meeting of the Advisory Board

On May 11, twelve members of the new Advisory Board for the Department of Economics met for the first time in the Senate Room at the University of Zurich. Professors Ernst Fehr and Fabrizio Zilibotti presented two lectures on "Children’s Skills and Human Welfare" and "China’s Economic Growth in the XXIst Century" at the beginning of the meeting. This was the introduction for an interesting discussion of the future strategy and development of the Department of Economics. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the Excellence Foundation Zurich. The board will meet in the future twice a year.

- April  2011 -


Ernst Fehr was accorded the Vorarlberger Wissenschaftspreis (Science Prize of the State of Vorarlberg, Austria) on April 11, 2011.

Malena Schulz was awarded the Semesterpreis for her Bachelor Thesis written under the supervision of Prof. Hoffmann. Congratulations!

Peter Zweifel was appointed Honorary Professor in Health Economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, for the years 2011-2016.

Offbeat Economics

The University of Zurich recently organized a symposium in celebration of Bruno S. Frey's 70th Birthday. The event took place on April 13, 2011 at the auditorium of the UZH. Various guests, including the Novel Prize Winner in Economics, Elinor Ostrom, honored Bruno Frey with their speeches on the subject of «Offbeat Economics». read full article

Bruno S. Frey

Bruno S. Frey has been appointed member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen.

Nick Netzer wins Best Teaching Award

The students at the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and IT (Fachverein Oekonomie) accorded Nick Netzer the Award for Best Teaching “Goldener Schwamm” for the fall semester 2010.

- January 2011 -

University of Zurich is top 3rd Research Excellence Center of Economics in Europe

The academic economic profession attaches a key role to peer-reviewed published research. Arguably more than in any other discipline, economics has an informal ranking of publication outlets which distinguish between the "top five general audience journals" (American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies), the top second-tier general audience journal, the top-field journals, and other peer-reviewed journals.

Weiterführende Informationen


The new Econ newsletter is now available.

Information Brochure

Econ Information Brochure