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Department of Economics

David Dorn receives Hermann-Heinrich-Gossen-Preis

David Dorn receives the German Economic Association's most prestigious academic prize, the Hermann-Heinrich-Gossen award. It is conferred annually to the best economist under age 45 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Verein für Socialpolitik Chairwoman Prof. Regina T. Riphahn announces: "David Dorn's empirical work has always been of the highest quality. It has not only contributed significantly to research, but also had a lasting impact on social debates on both sides of the Atlantic."

David Dorn is the third member of the Department of Economics  to receive the prestigious award. Previous awardees were Florian Scheuer (2021) and Ernst Fehr (1999).

Laudatio Verein für Socialpolitik (in German)
FAZ article (in German)