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Department of Economics

News and Media 2012

December 2012

GRAND SLAM: After his paper "War Signals: A Theory of Trade, Trust and Conflict" (with Dominic Rohner and Mathias Thoenig) has been accepted for publication in the Review of Economic Studies, Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti has achieved the "Grand Slam", namely, he has published (or forthcoming) articles in all top-five economics journals: American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Review of Economic Studies.

Press Releases

Wenn Schönheit blendet
Im Magazin der Universität Zürich stellen Donja Darai und Silvia Grätz ihre Studie zum Zusammenhang zwischen Schönheit und Kooperation vor.
Dezember Ausgabe

Interview mit Mathias Hoffmann zum Finanzplatz Schweiz
Im Interview mit dem Tages Anzeiger empfielt Mathias Hoffmann den Finanzplatz nicht speziell zu fördern.
Artikel vom 20.12.2012

Ernst Fehr gehört zu den wichtigsten Vordenkern der Welt
Das Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut hat die Megatrendsetter der Welt erkoren. Wirtschaftsprofesser Ernst Fehr von der Universität Zürich und der emeritierte St. Galler Ökonom Hans-Christoph Binswanger reihen sich in die Liste der einflussreichsten Denker unserer Zeit ein. Artikel in der AZ vom 7.12.2012

Oktober 2012

Die neuen Nobelpreisträger für Wirtschaftswissenschaften sind Alvin E. Roth von der Standford University und Lloyd S. Shapley emeritierter Professor der University of California in Los Angeles. Jacob Goeree und Konrad Mierendorff haben zu den beiden Nobelpreisträgern einen Artikel verfasst:

Der Ökonom als Ingenieur
Elected to the Academia Europea
Fabrizio Zilibotti has been elected member of the Academia Europaea.  The invitation from the President of the Academia Europaea, Lars Walloe, follows the peer review by the nominations committee. The Academia Europaea was founded in 1988. It is an organisation of eminent, individual scholars from across the continent of Europe. Its members cover the full range of academic disciplines that comprises the humanities, social, physical and life sciences as well as mathematics, engineering and medicine. This broad assembly of excellence and the pan-European distribution of our members makes the Academia unique amongst other European Academies. The Economics, Business and Management Sciences Section comprises 48 members, including Nobel Laureates James Mirrlees, Christopher Pissarides, and Reinhard Selten. Fabrizio Zilibotti is the second academic from a Swiss University to become member of the Academia, after Prof. Jean-Pierre Danthine, current Vice Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank. Election to the Academia Europaea is a personal honour that is a distinct recognition by international peers of personal excellence in scholarship within the European convocation of learned and professional scholars. It entitles its members to use the postnomial MAE (Hon) (Member of the Academia Europaea, honoris causa).

Soziale Motive unter der Lupe: Bei der „Focus“-Sendung von Radio Vorarlberg spricht Ernst Fehr über das Thema „Soziale Motive – zwischen Egoismus, dem Wunsch nach Fairness und Gerechtigkeit".

Zum Radiobeitrag 

Ernst Fehr erhält Gottlieb Duttweiler Preis 2013

Rüschlikon (ots) - Der Gottlieb Duttweiler Preis 2013 geht an den Wirtschaftsprofessor Ernst Fehr. Der an der Universität Zürich lehrende Vorarlberger wird geehrt für seine bahnbrechende Forschung zur Rolle von Fairness in Märkten, Organisationen und bei individuellen Entscheidungen. Die Verleihung findet am 9. April 2013 statt, die Laudatio hält der Verhaltensökonom Dan Ariely. Ernst Fehr untersucht seit rund zwei Jahrzehnten akribisch und an der vordersten Forschungsfront das Sozialverhalten und die wirtschaftlichen Präferenzen der Menschen. Dabei hat er das alte Erklärungsschema des Menschen als «Homo Oeconomicus» revidiert. Gestützt auf eine Vielzahl von Experimenten, konnte Fehr über die Kulturgrenzen hinweg die «Fairnesspräferenz» der Menschen dokumentieren: wie oft wir nicht vom Egoismus, sondern vom Wunsch nach Gerechtigkeit getrieben sind. Als einer der weltweit einflussreichsten Wirtschaftswissenschafter leistete Ernst Fehr einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur «psychologische Wende in der Ökonomik». Dank seinem transdisziplinären Forschungsansatz ist ihm der Brückenschlag von der Ökonomie zu Psychologie, Biologie und Neurowissenschaften gelungen. Die Untersuchungsgebiete des vielfach ausgezeichneten Forschers reichen von den Grenzen der Selbstregulierungsfähigkeit von Wettbewerbsmärkten über die Rolle des Neuropeptides Oxytocin bei der Vertrauensbildung bis zur Frage, wie sich Mädchenbeschneidungen verhindern lassen. Der politisch unabhängige Gottlieb Duttweiler Preis wird in unregelmässigen Abständen an Personen verliehen, die sich mit hervorragenden Leistungen für die Allgemeinheit verdient gemacht haben. Zu den früheren Preisträgern gehören der Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales, alt UNO-Generalsekretär und Friedensnobelpreisträger Kofi A. Annan oder der tschechoslowakische Präsident Václav Havel. Mit Ernst Fehr wird eine weitere Persönlichkeit geehrt, die ihr Schaffen in den Dienst einer besseren Welt stellt. Die Übergabe der mit 100 000 Franken dotierten Auszeichnung findet am 9. April 2013 im Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut in Rüschlikon/Zürich vor geladenen Gästen statt. Professor Dan Ariely, Dozent für Verhaltensökonomik an der Duke University, wird seinen Forschungskollegen würdigen. Die Feier bildet den Höhepunkt im Jubiläumsjahr des 1963 eröffneten GDI. (Pressemitteilung des GDI).
Hier zur Mitteilung auf dem Presseportal 

September 2012

"Experiment sind anti-ideologisch", Interview mit Ernst Fehr

"Warum ganz normale Menschen schlechte Dinge tun" von Roberto Weber

"Wille zur Kooperation schlägt den Eigennutz", Interview mit Ernst Fehr 

"Wir brauchen eine neue ökonomische Theorie", Interview mit Ernst Fehr

Welcoming New Doctoral Students in Economics and Neuroeconomics 
The Department of Economics welcomes seven new DPE doctoral students: Jean-Michel Benkert, Lea-Kathrin Heursen, Chloé Michel, Tobias Renkin, Florian Schaffner, Bruno Scherrer, and Yagiz Özdemir. They were selected for their outstanding achievements. Except for Bruno Scherrer, they are going to complete track B. Most of the new doctoral students completed their undergraduate studies at the University of Zurich. Their research topics vary, and most of the fields of research at the Department of Economics are thus covered. All PhD students are newly located in one building. They have their desks at the Blümlisalpstrasse. Doctoral Program in Neuroeconomics (DPN) welcomes two new PhD students. Manuel Andres Mitsumasu Heredia comes from Université Pierre Mendès-France and is supervised by Prof. Ernst Fehr, and Oliver Hager  from UZH has Prof. Philippe Tobler as supervisor. Both start in the fall semester 2012.

Latest development Excellence Foundation Zurich 

The Excellence Foundation Zurich was established in 2011, and has already achieved several milestones over the last twelve months, such as providing fellowships and acting as a mediator between UZH and UBS. The Excellence Foundation Zurich recently widened its communication platform. The website is now online in both German and English, and the image brochure has been published for English speaking persons as well. The Excellence Foundation Zurich searches together with the Department of Economics for potential areas of research in need of further investigation with the use of innovative approaches. To give insights to public, the Excellence Foundation Zurich creates factsheets about future professorships. Existing factsheets are available electronically on the EFZH webpage for “Economics of Human Capital Development”, “Economics of Business Ethics and Corporate Culture”, “Economics of Child Welfare and Development”, “Economics of Consumer and Market Behavior”.

Sinergia SNSF grant 

Ernst Fehr, Philippe Tobler, Christian Ruff, and Léon Tremblay (Institute des Science Cognitives, Bron, France) was accorded a Sinergia grant for the project "Neuroeconomics of value-based decision making" from the Swiss National Science Foundation with a grant sum of CHF 1.8 Million for a duration of 36 months. 

Auszeichnung für Doktorand am Department of Economics:

Verein für Socialpolitik und die Erwähnung von Prof. Ernst Fehr:

"Auch die Finanzprofis haben Gefühle". Artikel zur Risikobereitschaft von Finanzprofis und Erwähnung der Exprimente von Alain Cohn und Michel Maréchal.

August 2012

"Verhaltensökonomie - ein Doktorand der Universität Zürich gründete in Kenia ein Forschungslabor. Ökonomen untersuchen das Phänomen Armut - mitten im Slum."

"China is beginning to face up to its pension problems" - The Economist is relating to the research of Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti. Article: Pensions: fullfilling promises

July 2012

Der Aufbau des UBS International Centers, Spitzenforschung an der Universität Zürich und Paradigmenwechsel in der Wirtschaftsforschung. Ernst Fehr in der NZZ am Sonntag.

"Banken von Staaten entkoppeln"  Mathias Hoffmann unterstützt die Sicht, dass die Bankenunion eine Chance bietet und hilft, die Verknüpfung von Bankbilanzen und Staashaushalten in der Eurozone aufzubrechen.

Press releases

Je mehr graue Hirnsubstanz, umso altruistischer


Linking brain structure and activation in the temporoparietal junction to explain the neurobiology of human altruism

Publication in Neuron Volume 75, Issue 1


Corriere del Ticino

Le Temps

June 2012

"Wie moralisch soll Zug sein"? Roberto Weber und ein weiterer Experte geben Antwort in der Zuger Zeitung

May 2012

Fellowships for the Doctoral Program in Economics

Thanks to the efforts of the Excellence Foundation Zurich, the Doctoral Program in Economics (DPE) has received funding to grant several full fellowships for doctoral students. The selection committee has selected two outstanding candidates among more than 150 applicants for the new DPE fellowships. Chloé Michel completed her master studies at UZH. She received a four year fellowship from the Excellence Foundation Zurich. Jean-Michel Benkert is currently studying at the Graduate School of Economics in Barcelona. He is the first student to receive a fellowship funded by the UBS International Center. Both students will join the DPE in the fall.
Media coverage: NZZ Campus vom 25.05.2012and  

Josef Falkinger and Armin Schmutzler nominated for Best Teaching 2012

On the occasion of this year’s Dies Academicus, the University of Zurich awarded the “Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching” to Martin Meyer from the Department of Psychology. The selection committee informed us that Josef Falkinger and Armin Schmutzler were among the nominees who were shortlisted for the final round. The award is perceived as a compliment from the students to the lecturers. We congratulate our colleagues on their nomination.

Press releases

"Gestresste Männer sind sozialer" - Bericht über eine Studie unter Mitwirkung von Ernst Fehr
dImagazin aktuell

"Operation Drachme" - Mathias Hoffmann zur Eurokrise in Griechenland
Artikel im Tages Anzeiger
Artikel im der Berner Zeitung

"Beim Taxifahren erkennen Sie die Qualität erst, wenn Sie wieder aussteigen" - Interview mit Björn Bartling
Artikel Tages Anzeiger


April 2012

New collaboration will reshape the map of economic research in Europe and beyond

As a result of a new collaboration between the University of Zurich and UBS, up to five new chairs will be created at the Department of Economics. The UBS International Center of Economics in Society will tap into top-flight research in a number of new fields of research, and promote a dialog between science, business and society.

The cooperation between UZH and UBS will contribute to research in the economic sciences aimed at finding solutions to economic issues based on an interdisciplinary approach. This is intended to further strengthen the position of the Department of Economics in international competition with the best academic institutions.
The collaboration will create up to five permanent chairs in the next few years, and aims to attract topflight international researchers from cutting-edge fields of research. The aspiration is for this research and teaching to cross the boundaries between individual academic disciplines in order to find solutions for serious problems relating to society and the economy. The chairs are part of the University of Zurich's Department of Economics. They will use an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to address core aspects of economics.

A boost for business and science

The cooperation between UZH and UBS raises Switzerland's profile as a place of business and science. It is hoped that the top-flight research and Swiss Graduate School of Economics will attract the best PhD students in the world, who will then receive grants as well as cutting-edge and practical teaching from top-flight researchers. A Forum for Economic Dialogue will also be set up at the UBS International Center, which will hold public events, workshops, and seminars and publish an academic journal.
The UBS International Center of Economics in Society will be set up as an associated institute of the University of Zurich but will be a separate legal entity. A scientific advisory committee consisting of internationally renowned researchers in the field of economics - including several Nobel Prize winners - will promote and support the UBS International Center in an advisory role and through direct participation in its key events.
The involvement of the UBS is in connection with their education initiative that the bank started on the occasion of its 150 year jubilee; it amounts to a total of CHF 150 million. The fact that the UZH received a major support contribution from the education initiative is also due to the efforts of the Excellence Foundation Zurich as a mediator between UZH and UBS.


Media coverage
Ernst Fehr und Kaspar Villiger im Interview mit der NZZ
Artikel im Handelsblatt
Artikel im Bund
Artikel im Tages Anzeiger
Artikel in der Handelszeitung
Artikel in der Basler Zeitung

Press Releases

"Schweizer fahren trotz teurem Sprit weiter Auto"- Armin Schmutzler und Roberto Weber äussern sich in der Zeitung 20 Minuten zum Thema steigende Benzinpreise in der Schweiz.


Timo Boppart accepted an appointment from the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm University for a position as an assistant professor with tenure track.

Ernst Fehr wins Best Teaching Award

The students at the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and IT (Fachverein Oekonomie) accorded Ernst Fehr the best teaching award "Goldener Schwamm" for fall semester 2011. This is the second time he won the best teaching award; the first was in fall 2009.
full article

Björn Bartling im Interview

Was macht exzellente Forschung aus? Im Rahmen der aktuellen Ausgabe von oec news stellen Professorinnen und Professoren nicht nur ihr Forschungsgebiet vor, sondern sprechen auch darüber, was exzellente Forschung ausmacht und was diese letztlich für einen Nutzen hat.
zum Interview

February 2012

Radio DRS: Interview mit Christian Ruff

In der Sendung Input vom 11. März 2012 zum Thema Qual der Wahl: Wie wir entscheiden äussert sich der Neuroökonome dazu, warum unser Hirn damit überfordert ist, wenn wir uns zwischen neun Sorten Mehl entscheiden müssen.

January 2012

Ernst Fehr receives ERC Advanced Grant

Ernst Fehr has been awarded an advanced grant by the European Research Council/ERC for a project on «Foundations of Economic Preferences».
The ERC Advanced Grant funding targets researchers who have already established themselves as independent research leaders in their own right. This year, three highly renowned researchers at the University of Zurich have been awarded the highest research grant bestowed by the EU. Ernst Fehr, Josef Jiricny, and Martin Schwab each receive an ERC Advanced Grant.

«Foundations of Economic Preferences»
The proposed project covers four main topics. (1) The distribution and stability of time, risk, and social preference parameters based on a panel of nationally representative behavioral experiments. (2) The relationship between time, risk, and social preferences. (3) The causal impact of the social environment on preferences. (4) The neural and genetic determinants of preferences.
The planned research program promises to yield important insights into the structure and causal determinants of time, risk and social preferences as well as the relationships between them. This will inform and constrain theoretical models and policy conclusions based on such models.

Homepage of Ernst Fehr
UZH – Medienmitteilung
ERC Advanced Grants

Press Releases
"Die Suche nach Globallösungen ist ineffizient"- Bruno S. Frey

"Der Kantoenligeist macht Menschen glücklich"- Bernhard Kislig
Basler Zeitung_3.1.2012

"Verhaltensökonomom Ernst Fehr über die Wirtschaftskrise, Selbstkontrolle als Schulfach und das Gebot der Fairness"- Balz Spörri und Nik Walter

"Schweizer im Glück"- Lukas Häuptli
NZZ am Sonntag_1.1.2012

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