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Sustainability Now!

Müllhalde in Nicaragua

Ringvorlesung of the Commission UZH Interdisciplinary (UZH-i)

In this online lecture series organized by the sustainability team and the Right Livelihood Center at UZH, global societal challenges and transdisciplinary problems such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, food insecurity, scarcity of resources, economic instability and social inequalities will be discussed.

Each lecture will focus on a specific aspect of sustainable development, for example the campaign for a world free of chemical weapons or the fight for women’s rights within India’s caste system. The talks will be given by invited laureates of the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the “alternative Nobel prize”. The presentations will be followed by topical panel discussions with UZH researchers and experts from the world of politics, culture and the NGO sector.


The lectures from this series are available as podcasts:
Podcasts «Sustainability Now»

Weiterführende Informationen

Ringvorlesung "Sustainability Now!" (Cover Flyer)

Program Flyer (in German)

Organized by

Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty, Leiter Nachhaltigkeitsteam UZH;
PD Dr. Aline Steinbrecher, Leiterin Right Livelihood Zentrum, UZH.

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Right Livelihood Foundation

More about Right Livelihood Foundation

In Kooperation mit Anne Rüffer, Präsidentin Right Livelihood Award Foundation Switzerland.

Online Agenda

You can view all lectures in this series in UZH's online agenda and add them to your calendar.