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Challenging Powers

Raised hands of multiracial people clenched into fists

Dissent in Asia and the Middle East

Lecture Series of the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies

This lecture series focuses on discourses and practices of dissent within diverse regions of Asia and the Middle East across various historical contexts. The lectures pose questions on how dissent is articulated and examine the critical issues at stake. They raise questions about the consequences of protest and about the ways in which different power regimes respond and cope with it. By discussing key case studies, the lectures offer in-depth insights into the causes and implications of dissent within various Asian and Middle-Eastern socio-cultural frameworks.

This lecture series will be held in English. The series will be held on-site only and will not be recorded.


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Hosted and organized by

Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI);
Prof. Dr. Angelika Malinar,
Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci