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Institute of Education

Jona Tomke Garz

Jona Tomke Garz, Dr. phil.

  • Postdoktorand / Postdoc
Freiestrasse 36, 8032 Zürich
Room number

Jona T. Garz is a senior research assistant at the University for Inclusion and Diversity. He studied Theology in Marburg and Berlin and received his PhD in 2021 with a thesis on the history of knowledge of “infantile imbecility”. The dissertation was awarded the dissertation prize by the Division for Special Education of the German Educational Research Association. Jona T. Garz is currently working on a history of learning in the 20th century. Other research interests include (historical) knowledge practices between education, psychology and medicine, the history of special and social education as well as questions relating to the methodology of (historical) research, particularly the history of knowledge and participatory research.

For more information (German only)