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Department of Communication and Media Research Media Use & Effects

Nico Pfiffner

Nico Pfiffner, MA

  • Assistent / Research and Teaching Assistant
+41 44 635 21 19
Room number
AND 3.82

Nico Pfiffner is research and teaching assistant in the Media Use and Effects Division at the Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich. Currently, he is working on the topic of data donation and is investigating how this approach can be best leveraged for studies in social and communication sciences. He studied communication science (major) and business administration (minor) at the University of Zurich on the bachelor’s and master’s level.

Curriculum Vitae

2020- PhD Candidate in the Media Use and Effects Division at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich
2019- Editorial Assistant of the European Journal of Health Communication
2019- Research and teaching assistant in the Media Use and Effects Division at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich


Student assistant in the Media Use and Effects Division at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich


Online Marketing & Analytics specialist at GRYPS Offertenportal AG


Master of Arts UZH in Mass Communication and Media Research (major) and Business Administration (minor) at the University of Zurich


Internship in the media planning division at Swiss Radio and Television SRF


Bachelor of Arts UZH in Mass Communication and Media Research (major) and Business Administration (minor) at the University of Zurich

Research Interests

Media use and effects
Computational methods for social science
Social network analysis



Hase, V. , Ausloos, J., Boeschoten, L., Pfiffner, N., Janssen, H., Araujo, T., Carrière, T., de Vreese, C., Haßler, J., Loecherbach, F., Kmetty, Z., Möller, J., Ohme, J., Schmidbauer, E., Struminskaya, B., Trilling, D., Welbers, K., & Haim, M. (2024). Fulfilling data access obligations: How could (and should) platforms facilitate data donation studies? Internet Policy Review, 13(3).

Pfiffner, N., Witlox, P., & Friemel, T. M. (2024). Data Donation Module: A Web Application for Collecting and Enriching Data Donations. Computational Communication Research, 6(2).

Pfiffner, N., Reiss, M. V., Mitova, E., & Blassnig, S. (2024). Comparing Online Recruitment Strategies for Data Donation Studies. Computational Communication Research, 6(2).

Pfiffner, N. & Friemel, T. N. (2023). Leveraging Data Donations for Communication Research: Exploring Drivers Behind the Willingness to Donate. Communication Methods and Measures, 17(3), 227-249.

Blassnig, S., Mitova, E., Pfiffner, N., & Reiss, M. (2023). Googling Referendum Campaigns: Analyzing Online Search Patterns Regarding Swiss Direct-Democratic Votes. Media and Communication, 11(1), 19-30.

Pfiffner, N. (2021). Identifying patterns in communication science. In Segev, E. (Ed.), Semantic Network Analysis in Social Sciences (pp. 192–215). Routledge.