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since 08/2017 | Senior Research and Teaching Associate at the Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich |
since 2024 | Speaker of the Swiss Young Academy (Link) |
since 2023 | Chair of the Division "Media Reception and Effects" of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Link) |
2024 | Granting of the project "Digitale Resilienz durch Storytelling, Quellenkritik & Wissenschaftskommunikation: Ein Tool zur Förderung von KI- und Deepfake-Kompetenz bei Jugendlichen" funded by the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) (Link) |
2024 |
Organization of the international conference at the IKMZ on the topic "Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" (Link) |
2024 |
Granting of the project "SciComm meets Comedy" funded by the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) (Link) |
2024 | Granting of the project "AI in Science and Society" funded by the Swiss Young Academy (Link) |
2023-2024 | Granting of the project "Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary" funded by the Swiss Young Academy (Link) |
2023 | Granting of the project "The Effect of Disinformation on Opinion Formation: Experimental Analyses of the Effect and Role of Different Influencing Factors in a Multi-Method Design" funded by the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) (Link) |
2022-2023 | Granting of the project "Disinformation on COVID-19 vaccination on YouTube: An analysis of content, impact, and subsequent verification processes via online search" funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Communication (Link: OFCOM ( |
2021-2022 | Granting of and main responsibility for the project "What can we learn from COVID-19 fake news about the spread of scientific misinformation in general?" funded by the Swiss Young Academy |
2019-2021 | Foundation and management of the peer-mentoring group "MFG - MedienforscherInnengruppe" at the IKMZ - third-party financed by the Graduate Campus of the University of Zurich |
2016-2019 | Junior spokesperson at the Science Communication Section of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK) |
2016-2017 | Deputy Equal Opportunities Representative within the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena |
11/2015 | Dissertation on the topic "Das ist doch evident! Eine Analyse dargestellter Evidenzframes und deren Wirkung am Beispiel von TV-Wissenschaftsbeiträgen. [It’s evident! Identifying frames of evidence as used in science TV programs and testing their effects on beliefs]” (Advisors: Prof. Dr. Georg Ruhrmann (Jena) & Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Peters (Jülich)) |
2011-2017 | Research Associate and Lecturer at the Institute of Communication Research, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena; involved in DFG-funded projects within the program 1409: “Science and Public Sphere” until 09/2015 |
2009-2011 | Student Assistant at the Institute of Communication Research, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, in the DFG-funded project “Science and the General Public: Understanding Fragile and Conflicting Evidence” |
2008-2011 | Student Assistant at the Public Relations Department (now: Communication Department), Friedrich Schiller University of Jena |
2009-2010 | Chairwoman of the Student Representatives for Communication Research, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena |
2006-2011 | Studies of Media Science, Psychology and German Linguistics at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. Master thesis: “Evidence and uncertainty in science TV shows. A content analysis for capturing and modelling journalistic evidence and uncertainty representation in science TV shows on the topic of molecular medicine” |
Elected member of the Swiss Young Academy (2020-2025) (Link)
Undergraduate level (Seminars, each 14x90 MIN)
Postgraduate level (Seminars, each 14x90 MIN)
Lectures (each 14x90 MIN)
Reiss, A. (2024). Interview: "Reagieren auf Fake News: Eine Bratwurst auf die Klimakrise". In taz, Berlin, August. Link:!6030738/
Science Media Center Germany (2024). Interview: "Welche Maßnahmen gegen Desinformation helfen". In Science Media Center Germany, Köln, June. Link:
Science Media Center Germany (2024). Interview: "KI-Fortschritte bei der Erstellung von Videos und Bildern". In Science Media Center Germany, Köln, Februar. Link:
Deutschlandfunk (2024). Interview: "KI-Fortschritte bei Erstellung von Videos – Experten sehen auch Chancen für Politik und Meinungsbildung". In Deutschlandfunk, Köln, Februar. Link:
Stierle, S. (2024). Interview: "GENERATIVE KI: Worauf es bei KI-Wasserzeichen ankommt". In Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Februar. Link:
Wedekind, K. (2023). Interview: "Vorurteile bestätigt: Fake News werden durch Suchmaschinen erfolgreicher". In n-tv, Köln, Dezember.
Science Media Center Germany (2023). Interview: "Online-Recherche führt häufiger zu Bestätigung von Falschinformationen". In Science Media Center Germany, Köln, Dezember.
Kessler, S. H. (2023). «Echo der Zeit»-Sonderpodcast über Desinformation. In SRF, St. Gallen, December.
Kessler, S. H. (2023). KI-Good Practices at the UZH. Beispiel 2: Künstliche Intelligenz im Seminar zu Gesundheitskommunikation: Ein theorie- und praxisverbindender Ansatz. In teachingtools der UZH, Zürich, October.
Oehmer-Pedrazzi, F., Kessler, S. H., & M. Dellatorre (2023). A Fresh Breeze on HOPE – The Open Access Database DOCA and the Open Access Handbook. In UBlog, Zürich, October.
Stöcklin, S. (2023). Interview: "DOSSIER — Was wir glauben: Langsamer Denken". In UZH-Magazin, Zürich, März.
Hegelbach, S. (2023). Zusammenfassung Podiumsdiskussion: "ChatGPT hat uns die Augen geöffnet". In UZH-News, Zürich, März.
Pratsch, M. (2022). Interview: “Stolpernder Umgang mit Falschinformationen in Podcasts”. In MedWatch, Hamburg, December.
Bingham, N. (2022). Interview: "Fake News: Einblicke in Forschung und Lehre an der Universität Zürich". In entropie, Zürich, November.
Tomzcak, A. (2022). Interview: «She recommends a “vaccination against erroneous information”». In Newsletter der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz, Bern, September.
Kessler, S. H., Cano Pardo, M., & Grüninger, S. (2022). Statistiken schlüssig schildern: Was grafische Statistiken verständlich und vertrauenswürdig macht. In Europäisches Journalismus-Observatorium (EJO), Dortmund, March.
Kessler, S. H. (2024). Fake News in den (sozialen) Medien: erkennen, widerlegen & (Schüler:innen) schützen. Webinar für ZAL Zürcher Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehrpersonenweiterbildung. Zürich (Switzerland), 1. Februar.
Kessler, S. H. (2023). Bekämpfung von Desinformation auf Online-Plattformen. Keynote & Podiumsdiskussion zur Jubiläumsreihe der HSG «Kompass für die Zukunft». St. Gallen (Switzerland), 23. November.
Kessler, S. H. (2023). Workshop: ChatGPT and other chatbots from a communication science perspective. IKMZ intern. Zürich (Switzerland), 16. November.
Kessler, S. H. & Schlegel, S. (2023). Workshop: Wissenschaft vs. Aktivismus: Wo liegen die Grenzen? Ein Diskussionsraum. ScienceComm’23. Bern (Switzerland), 02.-03. November.
Conference presentations on science and health communication and their effects