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Ethnographic Museum

"Overlooked by Europe"

The workspace series in the UZH Magazin

Curator Alexis Malefakis and the director of the Ethnolographic Museum Mareile Flitsch examine a resin torch from Rwanda.
Curator Alexis Malefakis and the director of the Ethnolographic Museum Mareile Flitsch examine a resin torch from Rwanda. Photo: Marc Latzel, 2023.

In April 2023, the UZH Magazine visited us to report on our workspace series, our current exhibition series. The curators Mareile Flitsch, Martina Wernsdörfer, Maike Powroznik and Alexis Malefakis answered journalist Andres Eberhard's questions. They talked about the often problematic circumstances under which our collections came into our possession and how we process the stories of the objects at the museum today. Visitors see and relate to this in the five exhibitions of the workspace series: currently on show are "Mask Dance?", "Looted Goods?", "Business Idea?" and "Honeymoon?". On 23 November 2023, the fifth exhibition "Workpieces?" will open, concluding the series.

Völkerkundemuseum UZH


Weiterführende Informationen

By Andres Eberhard, UZH Magazin 2/2023


"Workpieces? 5 Questions on Negev Bedouin Embroideries from their Descendants’ View"

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Mask Dances

"Mask Dances? 5 Questions on Ritual Costumes from Sri Lanka"

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Looted Goods

"Looted Goods? 5 Questions on Objects from China at the End of the Imperial Era"

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Business Idea

"Business Idea? 5 Questions on ‘the Object Set’ from Noanamá, Colombia"

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"Honeymoon? 5 Questions on the ‘Hans Paasche Collection’ from East Africa"

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