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Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar

Monday 14:00

UZH Irchel Y16 G05

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Current Program - Spring 2018

19 February        
26 February K. Marvel, Columbia U and NASA GISS Schroedinger colloquium

Climate change: how hot will it get?

  Canelli / Baudis
05 March Giovanni Benato, UC Berkeley Results and perspectives of the CUORE experiment for 0nbb decay   Baudis
12 March        
19 March        
26 March Werner Hoffmann, MPI Heidelberg Schroedinger colloquium

The Galaxy Viewed in Very High Energy Gamma Rays

  Canelli / Baudis
02 April        
09 April Laura Molina Bueno, ETHZ Development and Operation of Dual Phase Liquid Argon TPCs   Sanchez
16 Apr        
25 April        
07 May Edoardo Charbon, EPFL Design of large area, pixelated ASICs for pico-second timing applications   Kilminster
Juan Garcia Bellido, UNAM 16:45 Theory Colloquium

Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter and their Detection with Gravitational Waves

Poster Jetzer
14 May Alessandro Minotti, LAPP Reactor antineutrino anomaly and light sterile neutrino: first experimental results and perspectives.
From the discovery of the neutrino to the measure of the last of the mixing angles, nuclear reactors have proved indispensable in the study of these particles, of which much remains to be unveiled. Recent and past measurements using reactor neutrinos rely on the prediction of their spectrum, a non-trivial exercise involving ad-hoc methods and carefully-selected assumptions. A 6% discrepancy between predicted and measured fluxes at very short baselines, known as reactor antineutrino anomaly, arose in 2011, prompting a considerable scientific production as well as the birth of new experiments aiming to study neutrino oscillation at very short baseline. Such anomaly can be in fact explained invoking the existence of a new sterile neutrino at the eV mass scale participating in the oscillation, an enticing hypothesis that ties to other anomalies already observed in the neutrino sector.
Now some of these projects are releasing first results, gnawing pieces of the allowed phase space. Is it enough to rule out the light sterile neutrino, or is there still room for this or more exotic explanation?
21 May        
28 May D. Jason Koskinen Fundamental Neutrino Physics with a Gigaton of Ice: the Past, the Present, and the Future of IceCube

With a cubic kilometer of instrumented ice, the IceCube detector at the South Pole covers a vast neutrino energy range (GeV-PeV) to study a truly bizarre particle. The DeepCore low energy extension of IceCube collects tens of thousands of atmospheric neutrinos each year to probe a wide array of neutrino oscillation physics (neutrino mass ordering, numu disappearance, nutau appearance, sterile neutrino searches, and other exotic phenomena).

I will discuss recent results from atmospheric measurements and the first tau neutrino appearance results. I will conclude by covering the potential for neutrino oscillations and atmospheric neutrino physics with the next generation low energy infill of IceCube. Time permitting, connections with multi-messenger astronomy will be discussed.
11 June

S. Wertz 


Search for Higgs boson pair production in the bbVV final state with the
CMS detector

Observing Higgs pair production (HH) would give access to direct measurements of the Higgs self-coupling, which constitutes a crucial test of electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model (SM). In addition, the resonant production of HH is predicted in numerous BSM scenarios. A search is presented for HH production in the bbVV final state, where the vector bosons yield two leptons and two neutrinos, using 36 fb-1 of CMS data collected at 13 TeV. The analysis sensitivity to the various signal hypotheses is optimised using a parameterised
classifier. The data are found to be compatible with background predictions, dominated by top quark pair production. Exclusion limits are set on resonant HH production as a function of the mass of the resonance, and on nonresonant HH production as a function of the Higgs self-coupling and the top quark Yukawa coupling.  These limits significantly improve previous results obtained in the same final state.

