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Large scale separation and resonances within LHC range from a prototype model for new physics

Oliver Witzel (Edinburgh)

Tuesday, 8 November 2016 at 11:15, in Y16 G05 - Campus Irchel


Many theories describing physics beyond the Standard Model rely on a large separation of scales. Large scale separation arises in models with mass-split flavors if the system is conformal in the ultraviolet but chirally broken in the infrared. Because of the conformal fixed point, these systems exhibit hyperscaling and a highly constrained resonance spectrum. We derive hyperscaling relations and investigate the realization of one such system with four light and eight heavy flavors. Our numerical simulations confirm that both light-light and heavy-heavy resonance masses show hyperscaling and depend only on the ratio of the light and heavy flavor masses. The heavy-heavy spectrum is qualitatively different from QCD and exhibits quarkonia with masses not proportional to the constituent quark mass. These resonances are only a few times heavier than the light-light ones, which would put them within reach of the LHC.