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PHY563 Standard Model and Beyond

General Information


  • The Fermi theory of weak interactions  
  • The Standard Model (SM)
  • Electroweak precision tests of the SM
  • Higgs physics 
  • Flavour physics
  • Neutrino physics 
  • The main open problems of the SM
  • The SM as an effective theory 


Lectures + Exercises (start 22.02.24)

Thursday 09:45-12:30 in HCI H 2.1 (ETH Hönggerberg campus)

N.B.: By default there will be 2 hours of lectures followed by 1 hour of exercises; however, in some cases this separation may change. Specifically, on the first day (22.02.24) there will be 3 hours of lectures and no exercises.

Lecture Details

Lecture Date Handwritten notes
Lecture 1 20.02.2024

Notes, sect. 1 - 2 (PDF, 7 MB)

Lecture 2  29.02.2024 Notes, sect. 3 (PDF, 5 MB)
Lecture 3  13.03.2024 Notes, sect. 4 (PDF, 2 MB)
Lecture 4 21.03.2024 Notes, sect. 5 (PDF, 3 MB)
Lecture 5 28.03.2024 Notes, sect. 6-7.1 (PDF, 3 MB)
Lecture 6 11.04.2024 Notes, sect. 7.2-7.4  (PDF, 6 MB)
Lecture 7 25.04.2024 Notes, sect. 7.5-7.6  (PDF, 3 MB)
Lecture 8 02.05.2024 Notes, sect. 7.7-7.9  (PDF, 2 MB)
Lecture 9 16.05.2024 Notes, sect. 8.1-8.3  (PDF, 3 MB)
Lecture 10 23.05.2024

Notes, sect. 8.4-8.5  (PDF, 4 MB)

Lecture 11 30.05.2024 Notes, sect. 9  (PDF, 3 MB)

Detailed summary of the lecture program (PDF, 161 KB)

Suggested References