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UZH for Staff

UZH Leadership Circle

Target group Experienced leaders and managers at UZH
Languages English and German

Content and goals

The UZH Leadership Circle allows you to explore challenging leadership situations. Based on actual cases from your own leadership experience, you will work with a small group to develop solutions and identify specific action strategies. These are complemented by inputs from experts and, if required, deepened by means of individual coaching. You will strengthen your leadership skills and learn how to lead more effectively. Finally, the course offers an ideal opportunity to network with colleagues from different organizational units at UZH.
  • Willingness to present a situation from your own leadership experience in a confidential learning-setting   
  • Interest in peer counseling 
  • Full attendance is necessary


  • "Collegial peer coaching" method and variants thereof
  • Individual coaching can be arranged with the program manager if required (optional)
Location The various sequences take place at different locations on the premises of the UZH
  • 8 sessions, every 2 weeks (2-3 hours)
  • Between 8-10 participants
Management Ephraim Appius, Expert in Leadership Development and Change Management, HR Department
Organization and Contacts

Program management:
Ephraim Appius, Expert in Leadership Development and Change Management, HR Department,

Petra Müller, HR Department,

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Costs Participation is free of charge
Content, Dates and Registration:

Continuing Education and Training Courses (HR)


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