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Peter E. Bodmer

Peter Bodmer

“In the age of digitalization – where almost all knowledge is available online – it is all the more important that we promote ‘out-of-the-box thinking’ and interdisciplinary cooperation to not only maintain but increase the Zurich economic region’s innovative power and the international edge that comes with it.

My vision for the University of Zurich is for it to help shape a space of interconnected knowledge. A space where transdisciplinary work lets borders blur. A space where people come together and ideas thrive. The focus should always be on the matter that is being analyzed and investigated, never on external claims – wherever or whomever they may come from. This is what I’m committed to.”


Peter E. Bodmer studied economics at the University of Zurich. He is a proven real estate expert and among other things used to be a member of the board of Implenia AG. He has been chairman and CEO of the BEKA Group since 2011. From 2013 to 2018, Peter E. Bodmer served as delegate of the Government Council of the Canton of Zurich and was responsible for strategic developmental planning in the Zurich City University District. Moreover, he has been president of the Innovation Park Zurich Foundation since April 2019.