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Ethnographic Museum

Ethnographic Museum

Competences and Skills

In its changing exhibitions and captivating events, the Ethnographic Museum at the University of Zurich displays symbolic objects and rare documents to bring the world of non-European cultures closer to its visitors. Students and other interested persons are welcome to use our comprehensive library and explore our film, photography, sound and document archive.

Opening Hours

Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am – 5:00pm
Monday: closed
Free Entry.


University of Zurich
Ethnographic Museum
Pelikanstrasse 40
8001 Zurich
Phone +41 44 634 90 11

Google Map

Current Events

  • Sun, 28.7.
    14:00 Uhr
    28.7.2024, 14:00: Kollaboratives Studierendenprojekt Bangladesch–Zürich
  • Thu, 8.8.
    19:00 Uhr
    8.8.2024, 19:00: Masken und Moulagen. Ausdruck und Abbild menschlichen Leidens
  • Fri, 23.8.
    18:00 Uhr
    23.8.2024, 18:00: Eröffnung | Benin verpflichtet. Wie mit geraubten Königsschätzen umgehen?
  • Sun, 25.8.
    15:00 Uhr
    25.8.2024, 15:00: Welchen Wert haben die Benin-Objekte für die Menschen in Nigeria und in der Schweizer Diaspora?
  • Thu, 29.8.
    18:00 Uhr
    29.8.2024, 18:00: Auf den zweiten Blick. Verborgene Meisterschaften in Masken und Stickereien
  • Thu, 5.9.
    18:00 Uhr
    5.9.2024, 18:00: Sticken von Hand oder Programmieren der Stickmaschine? Was hat das mit Ihnen zu tun?
  • Thu, 5.9.
    19:00 Uhr
    5.9.2024, 19:00: Sand Storm
  • Sat, 7.9.
    18:00 Uhr
    7.9.2024, 18:00: Lange Nacht der Zürcher Museen im Völkerkundemuseum
  • Sun, 15.9.
    12:00 Uhr
    15.9.2024, 12:00: Letzter Tag «Maskenspiel?» und «Werkstücke?»
  • Thu, 19.9.
    18:00 Uhr
    19.9.2024, 18:00: Afro-Swiss Perspectives on African Heritage in a Swiss Museum
  • Thu, 3.10.
    19:00 Uhr
    3.10.2024, 19:00: Millis Erwachen
  • Sun, 20.10.
    15:00 Uhr
    20.10.2024, 15:00: Wie mit geraubten Königsschätzen umgehen?

Weiterführende Informationen

Visual Exhibition "Mask Dances?"

Workpieces? 5 Questions on Negev Bedouin Embroideries from their Descendants’ View

More about Workpieces? 5 Questions on Negev Bedouin Embroideries from their Descendants’ View

The Ethnographic Museum is showcasing embroidered Bedouin textiles from the Negev desert, including their origins and the context in which they were created.
Until 15 September 2024.

Visual Exhibition "Mask Dances?"

Mask Dances? 5 Questions on Ritual Costumes from Sri Lanka

More about Mask Dances? 5 Questions on Ritual Costumes from Sri Lanka

The Ethnographic Museum is displaying masks, costumes and ritual objects from Sri Lanka. The exhibition creates space for encounters and questions the museum's own history.
Until 15 September 2024.

Visual "Werkstattreihe"

Video: 5 Questions on the Collections (in German)

More about Video: 5 Questions on the Collections (in German)

With the exhibition series "5 Questions on the Collections", the Ethnographic Museum is making its museum work visible and inviting people to look at the collections and objects from ever new perspectives.

Visual of the exhibition

JAPARI – Our living memory

More about JAPARI – Our living memory

Meet the magic of kené – ancestral Shipibo-Konibo geometric designs, which are usually illu­strated in tapes­tries or ceramics. Online exhi­bi­tion in Spanish, French, German and English.