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Sustainable Finance

Nachhaltige Finanzenwelt

CCSF – Center of Competence for Sustainable Finance

Lead: Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Beteiligt: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science
Founded: 2019

Steering Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Marc Chesney, Department of Banking and Finance (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Stefano Battiston, Department of Banking and Finance (Deputy Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Samuel Kern Alexander, Institute of Law (Private Law)
  • Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty, Department of Informatics
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel, Department of Geography
  • Prof. Dr. Maria J. Santos, Department of Geography
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Institute of Law (Criminal Law)
  • Prof. Dr. Carmen Tanner, Department of Banking and Finance     

Sustainable Finance

The CCSF is dedicated to interdisciplinary research in the field of sustainable finance. One of its core tasks is the dissemination of academic knowledge to the public. The centre brings together research from banking, finance, computer science, geography, mathematics, law, psychology, philosophy and political science and promotes transdisciplinarity through regular meetings. The CCSF also supports the creation of teaching and training content in sustainable finance.


Center of Competence for Sustainable Finance (CCSF)
Department of Banking and Finance
Plattenstrasse 32
CH-8032 Zurich
Coordination Office
Dr. Inke Nyborg

Contact (E-mail)