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Dr. William D. Phillips: Time, Einstein and the coolest Stuff in the Universe

Thursday, March 22, 19:00, Y04-G-30

Ehrengast Einstein

The FPU (association of physics students at UZH) organizes the 3rd edition of 'Albert Einstein Ehrengast' March 21 – 23 with Nobel Prize winner Dr. William D. Phillips who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997 "for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light", jointly with Steven Chu and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji.

Public talk (for a broad audience)

There will be a public talk held by William Phillips on Thursday, 22nd of March 19:00 at lecture hall Y04-G-30 on UZH Campus Irchel with the title "Time, Einstein and the coolest stuff in the universe" and is aimed at a broad audience, including both scientists and non-scientists as well as high school students. It will be followed by an apero.

Public Talk (incl. Abstract)

The Zurich Physics Colloquium

William Phillips will give a talk "Manipulating atoms with light: from spectroscopy to atomtronics" at The Zurich Physics Colloquium. The colloquium will take place on Wednesday, 21st of March at 16:15 at HPV G4 on the ETH Honggerberg Campus.

Further information

Events for students

The FPU is organizing various events for students during William Phillips' stay at the University. Among them will be a special seminar, a Röstiplausch, a Fondue dinner and many more.

to the events for students


