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UZH Science Lab

Junge Frau vor Windrädern

Research for the Future

The global discussion about the future of the environment and society revolves around the concepts of interdisciplinarity, sustainability and digitalization. The challenge facing schools and universities is how to prepare young people for future jobs and careers that do not yet exist. This is where research and academia have a particularly important role to play, both in researching environmental and societal developments from a sustainability perspective, as well as in passing on knowledge in sustainability matters.

The UZH Science Lab provides interdisciplinary research and learning opportunities for school pupils, students and teachers. The aim of the courses offered is, among others, to help young people understand the effects of human behavior on nature and the environment and the energy-supply challenges that will have to be tackled both now and in the future.

To the UZH Science Lab website (in German)

#ircheltrail – Post your pictures!

Which animals live in Irchel Park? What research is happening on campus? You can find the answers to these and many other questions on the Irchel Natural Trail.

Irchel Nature Trail


University of Zurich
UZH Science Lab
Gebäude Y11 - G50
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
Phone: 044 635 4110

Contact (E-mail) (in German)

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What options are there for sustainable energy supply?
Picture: Fotolia/bilderstoeckchen, 2014