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Grants and Fellowships

Congratulations to our researchers!
The grants and fellowships are listed in chronological order according to date of announcement. This list does not claim to be exhaustive.

2024 CAAT Humane Education Grant for Giuseppe Esposito

Giuseppe Esposito, chief of service at the Department of Neurosurgery of the University Hospital Zurich and director of the Zurich Microsurgery Lab, eceives a CAAT Humane Education Grant for his project The Human Placenta Model for Microsurgical Training.

Here you can find the CAAT Humane Education Grant from Giuseppe Esposito

SNSF Advanced Grant 2023 for Martin Wolf

Martin Wolf, professor of biomedical optics at UZH and head of the Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory at the Department of Neonatology at the University Hospital Zurich, has been awarded an SNSF Advanced Grant for a research project to develop an imaging device capable of detecting hypoxia in premature babies.

Read the full UZH News articel here

SNSF Projects April 2024: 48 projects at UZH

In the 1st call for proposals in 2024 (April), the SNSF is supporting a total of 403 Projects. Of these, 48 projects at UZH will be funded.

Find the SNSF projects of the April 2024 call at UZH here

Find all SNSF projects of the April 2024 call here

SNSF Spark 2024: 24 projects at UZH

557 innovative, unconventional projects were submitted as part of the SNSF's second regular call for proposals for Spark. The 157 approved projects will be supported with a total of 15 million Swiss francs. 24 innovative, unconventional projects are being funded at the University of Zurich.

Here you can find the SNSF Spark projects 2024 at UZH

Here you can find all SNSF Spark projects 2024

SNSF Starting Grants 2024: 14 projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 499 applications for an SNSF Starting Grant 2024. 61 of these applications will be funded - they will receive a total of almost 105.4 million francs. 14 grants were awarded to researchers carrying out their project at UZH.

You can find the SNSF Starting Grants 2024 at UZH here (PDF, 63 KB)Find all SNSF Starting Grants 2024 here

2 Global Human Milk Research Consortium Grants for Maria Consolata Miletta

Maria Consolata Miletta, research group leader at the Department of Neonatology, has received 2 grants from the Global Human Milk Research Consortium in the field of breast milk research.

SNSF AMBIZIONE: 14 projects at UZH

The SNSF will fund 92 AMBIZIONE projects in 2023. Of these, 14 grants will be awarded to early career researchers at the University of Zurich.

See all 2023 AMBIZIONE grants at UZH

See all 2023 AMBIZIONE grants

SNSF Consolidator Grants 2023: 3 projects at UZH

In the SNSF Consolidator Grants call for proposals 2023 , the SNSF is supporting a total of 19 Projects. Of these, 3 projects at UZH will be funded.

Find the SNSF projects of the Consolidator Grants call 2023 at UZH here

Find all SNSF projects of the Consolidator Grants call 2023 here

"Advancing Responsibility": 3R project funding for Philippe Bugnon

The Swiss 3R Competence Centre (3RCC) funds two pioneering research projects under its Targeted Call 2023 entitled Advancing Responsibility: Reducing Surplus Animals and Promoting Change. This initiative aims to foster innovative strategies to globally address and reduce surplus animals, enhancing the ethical use of animals in research. One of the grants is awarded to Philippe Bugnon from the University of Zurich for his project on “Algorithmic Breeding Planning”.

Find the press release of the Swiss 3R Competence Center here (3RCC)

SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023: 4 projects at UZH

In the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship call for proposals 2023 , the SNSF is supporting a total of 48 Projects. Of these, 4 projects at UZH will be funded.

Find the SNSF projects of the SPF call 2023 at UZH here

Find all SNSF projects of the SPF call 2023 here

SNSF Projects October 2023: 53 projects at UZH

In the 2nd call for proposals in 2023 (October), the SNSF is supporting a total of 353 Projects. Of these, 53 projects at UZH will be funded.

Find the SNSF projects of the October 2023 call at UZH here

Find all SNSF projects of the October 2023 call here

SNSF Doc.CH 2023: 3 Projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 138 applications for an SNSF Doc.CH Grant 2023. 53 applications reached the secons evaluation phase and 25 projects will now be funded with an average of 227,705 francs. 3 grants were awarded to researchers carrying out their project at UZH.

You can find the SNSF Doc.CH Grants 2023 at UZH here

Find all SNSF Doc.CH Grants 2023 here

TOY Senior Fellowship for Simona Grano

Simona Grano, Privatdozentin at the Asia-Orient Institute, has been awarded the TOY Senior Fellowship 2023/2024 by the Asia Society.

Here you can find the TOY Senior Fellowship of Simona Grano

SNSF Sinergia: 6 Projects at UZH

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is funding 6 interdisciplinary, collaborative projects at the University of Zurich in 2023. The total Sinergia contributions awarded amount to over 10 million Swiss francs.

Here you can find the Sinergia projects 2023 under UZH management

Here you can find all Sinergia projects 2023

SNSF Projects April 2023: 44 projects at UZH

In the 1st call for proposals in 2023 (April), the SNSF is supporting a total of 361 Projects with CHF 257 million. Of these, 44 projects at UZH will be funded.

Find the SNSF projects of the April 2023 call at UZH here

Find all SNSF projects of the April 2023 call here

SNSF Starting Grants 2023: 10 projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 447 applications for an SNSF Starting Grant 2023. 67 of these applications will be funded - they will receive a total of almost 115 million francs. 10 grants were awarded to researchers carrying out their project at UZH.

You can find the SNSF Starting Grants 2023 at UZH here (PDF, 62 KB)

Find all SNSF Starting Grants 2023 here

ERC Synergy Grant 2023 for project with Philipp Homan

The ERC has evaluated 395 applications for an ERC Synergy Grant 2023. 37 of these applications will be funded - they will be supported with a total of 395 million euros. Philipp Homan from UZH and the Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich and three European partners have been awarded one of the coveted ERC Synergy Grants. More than 3 million of the 10 million project on speech disorders in psychotic illnesses will go to UZH.

Read more about the project here

Find the ERC Synergy Grants 2023 here

SNSF Ambizione Grants 2022: 19 projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 435 applications for an SNSF Ambizione Grant 2022. 97 of these applications will be funded - they will receive a total of almost 77.5 million francs. 19 grants were awarded to researchers carrying out their project at UZH.

You can find the SNSF Ambizione Grants 2022 at UZH here (PDF, 66 KB)

Find all SNSF Ambizione Grants 2022 here

ERC Advanced Grant 2022 for Daniele Caramani

Daniele Caramani, Full Professor of Comparative Politics at the Department of Political Science (currently on leave to work at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence), has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for a research project on global politics.

Getty Scholars in Residence Grant for Roger Fayet

Roger Fayet, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Art History, has received a Getty Scholar Grant from the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles and a scholarship for the fall semester 2023.

Find the Getty Schloar Grant of Roger Fayet here

SNSF Advanced Grant 2022 for Fritjof Helmchen

The SNSF has evaluated 91 applications for an SNSF Advanced Grant 2022. 18 of these applications will be funded - they will receive a total of CHF 40,858,632 over an average of five years. 1 grant was awarded to Fritjof Helmchen, who is carrying out his project at UZH.

Find the SNSF Advanced Grant of Fritjof Helmchen here

Find all SNSF Advanced Grants 2022 here

SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF) 2022: 19 projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 503 applications for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022. 90 of these applications will be funded - they will receive a total of almost CHF 22.1 million in funding over an average of two years. 19 awards went to researchers carrying out their project at UZH.

Find the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF) 2022 at UZH here

Find all SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF) 2022 here

SNSF Agora 2022: 3 projects at UZH

The SNSF supports a total of 31 Agora projects in 2022 - 3 of which take place at UZH:

Find the AGORA projects 2023 at UZH here


SNSF Sinergia 2022: 2 Projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 74 applications for the Sinergia program. 19 of these projects will be funded - the SNSF is thus supporting interdisciplinary research by two to four researchers with the prospect of groundbreaking findings. The total budget amounts to CHF 47.9 million or an average of CHF 2.5 million per project. 2 grants were awarded to projects led by UZH researchers.

Find the Sinergia projects 2022 with UZH lead

Find all Sinergia projects 2022 here

Robert S. Campbell Jr. Visiting Fellowship for Adrian Künzler

Adrian Künzler, Assistant Professor of Commercial and Business Law with a focus on corporate, competition or intellectual property law, has been awarded the Robert S. Campbell Jr. Visiting Fellowship at Magdalen College, Oxford University, for his research.

SNSF Projects October 2022: 40 projects at UZH

In the 2nd call for proposals in 2022 (October), the SNSF is supporting a total of 337 projects with CHF 242 million. Of these, 40 projects at UZH will be funded.

Find the SNSF projects of the October 2022 call at UZH here

Find all SNSF projects of the October 2022 call here

SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022: 7 projects at UZH

The SNSF has evaluated 182 applications for an SNSF Consolidator Grant 2022. 30 of these applications will be funded - they will receive a total of almost CHF 54 million over an average of five years. 7 grants were awarded to researchers carrying out their project at UZH.

Find the SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022 at UZH here

Find all SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022 here

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