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Similarities and Distrust: Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan in the International Relations of East Asia


Dr. Kai Schulze (FU Berlin)

Datum und Zeit

03. März 2022, 10:15 - 12:00 Uhr


This presentation will delve into the complex relationship between East Asia's three industrialized democracies Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. According to liberalist theory, democracies in the international realm are less likely to engage in serious conflict with one another and rather develop a deep interdependence, cooperation, and mutual trust. However, the three liberal democracies in East Asia, despite their economic interdependence, are in a state of long-lasting distrust and diplomatic conflicts. The reason for these conflicts are a result of the shared history of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan as well as the structure of the international environment in the East Asian region. This presentation will shed light on the international relations in East Asia, their historical roots, and effects on the difficult relationship between Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.


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Asien-Orient-Institut - Japanologie
