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Lehrprojekte im CAS Hochschuldidaktik

Psychopathological exploration and evaluation of a movie character

18. Oktober 2017 | Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung | Keine Kommentare |

Stephan Egger, Zentrum für Integrative Psychiatrie, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich:

The teaching and learning of psychopathology is a complex and time-consuming task; which is best learned from the patient. However, patients willing to participate are necessary, this is not always possible. Furthermore, there are legal and ethical implications which limit even more its practicability. Therefore, we considered using movies to teach and learn psychopathology. We expected to strengthen a transfer of knowledge, as well as to point out the need for definitions and anchor points when describing and rating a patients‘ symptoms and their severity.

We used the 1995 movie „twelve monkeys“ in a single psychopathology teaching and learning lessons. Psychopathological signs and symptoms presented by the main character of the movie were selected for discussion. Furthermore, a diagnosis work up was done including diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and severity according to CGI, GAF, and HoNOS. Participants saw the complete movie in a class session and also had to describe the main character regarding psychopathological signs and symptoms, diagnosis and severity. With a comparison and discussion of both assessments (experts and participants).

Four medical residents and psychologist in training participated in the session. Participants and psychiatrists agreed regarding the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the main character; there was an overall discrepancy respecting the severity rating of the symptoms. Participants appreciated the use of a movie for teaching and learning psychopathology, especially the change in perspective respectively assuming the patient’s sight through the film was pointed out.

Movies are useful for teaching psychopathology; however, we consider it as an „add on“ method not able to substitute the exploration of patients in class or under supervision.

Abgelegt unter: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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