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Lehrprojekte im CAS Hochschuldidaktik

Introduction to Historical Corpus Linguistics

18. Oktober 2022 | Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung | Keine Kommentare |

Johanna Vogelsanger, Englisches Seminar, UZH

This teaching project in the form of a BA seminar (elective module) used the “Forschendes Lernen” approach in order to introduce students to basic methods in Historical English Corpus Linguistics. Throughout the semester, (self-)reflection concerning the research process, continuous and individual feedback as well as practical exercises designed to acquire methodological skills were prioritized. Due to the small class size (5 students) it was entirely possible to follow these priorities, and the feedback as well as the detailed discussion of the practical exercises had a highly motivating effect. Having a small class and keeping the schedule flexible allowed for more individualized and sometimes last-minute adjustments in order to meet students’ needs and help them develop their research skills. The biggest challenge in the planning process was simplifying the structure, deciding where to start, and designing useful tasks. After a brief introduction to the “ideal” research cycle as well as Historical English Corpus Linguistics in general, the biggest chunk of time was allotted to the practical exercises, which were designed with an eye on students’ own preferences while also trying to provide an insight into a variety of available corpora and the different tools and skills needed to work with them. In the final week, students had to present an outline of their research projects that they planned on working on and writing up over the summer.
The teaching project was overall successful and also taught me a renewed appreciation for revising the basics from time to time and for self-reflection as a tool for improving one’s skills. In a future version of this course, I would maintain most of the elements and their order, but slightly tighten up the very loose schedule.


Abgelegt unter: Forschendes Lernen

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