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Lehrprojekte im CAS Hochschuldidaktik

A Flipped Classrooms structure for Engineering classes: qualitative and quantitative benefits

18. Oktober 2022 | Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung | Keine Kommentare |

Silvia Mastellone, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik

In this project I investigate how the specific version of flipped classrooms can improve learning effectiveness and student experience in engineering bachelor classes. The lectures consist of preparation part where the student have to watch videos and read material and an in-class part where, after a short test to assess knowledge, a practical part, consisting of examples and group exercises take place. I implemented the method in 2 engineering classes across several semesters.
The method was tested using student survey data and performance assessments.

Abgelegt unter: Digitale KompetenzenScholarship of Teaching and Learning

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